Why Is Everything So Heavy?

Ajmal Khan
5 min readJul 18, 2022


“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” — Laurell K. Hamilton

Why is everything so heavy? Why does waking up everyday feel so tiring and taxing? Why is it that even the smallest tasks of your daily routine take a toll on you?

You wont get the answers to this in this article but you might find a way out yourself because your inner battles are won by yourself and no one knows what you’re going through.

Depression is a common mental health problem causing low mood and zero interest in your daily activites or rather zero interest in whatever is happening in this world.

I wont make this a medical post and discuss all the terms and symptoms, however I will try help whoever is reading this and try to make sure that you make the best out of this article.

Depression is a type of disease which in the end kills but only because of the mind. Depression is something that doesnt kill itself but makes the individuals kill themselves either physically or mentally.

There are alot of causes of depression, minor and major. I’ll just list a few of them below:

  • Failure
  • Social Or Financial Situation
  • Family Issues
  • Health Issues (Cancer Etc)
  • Death Or Loss of Loved One.
  • Abuse
  • Any Major Event in your life.

The list can go on and on but we’re here to talk about the cure and making the best of it, right?

I’ll just take the example of Chester Benington from Linkin Park. Chester was a great singer, his songs are even played these days in cars, earphones, airdots and what not, even dead Chester Benington lives in many playlists. Chester was a victim of suicide. The last song that I heard after his death was Heavy. Its lyrics go something like this:

“I‘m holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
Just so much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down
If I just let go I’d be set free”

You can see from the lyrics that its basically something weighing down somebody and its too much for him or her to carry. The singer also says that he’s holding on and he keeps holding on BUT there’s also the solution;

“If I just let go I’d be set free”

If you focus on this line its basically telling you that if you let go and release the weight that you’re holding on to and just calm yourself, you will be set free.

The question is, how to let go?

The answer is complicated only if you make it complicated.

Letting go of any external weight thats pushing you down into the ground is good. There are alot of ways to let go and the best one that I would suggest it talk to someone you trust and are confident about, be it a loved one or a bestfriend or even a mentor. I would not suggest going to a therapist but then again its your choice. Therapists are paid to do what they do i.e Listen.

Your loved one or anyone you’re close to wont be paid to listen but they will listen whole-heartedly and steer you out of your troubles.

Chester Bennigton died in 2017 around the time I was having troubles in my life and I could totally relate to the lyrics. I was failing my degree, I was being pestered by my parents and my companions to just perform good and work hard and all those sermons you get for “your betterment”, but they always do more harm than good because no one actually listens to you and assume that you’re making excuses to just get out of it. What did I do? I let go.

I stopped thinking about the words that my father told me in the morning before I went to the university, I forgot about all the lectures given to me by my faculty, my companions on how to do what and when to do what and I just did what I wanted to do which was, Relax. I did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do and how I wanted to do and ignored everything the world said except for those who listened to me. A person who never went to a university cannot understand what you’re going through, a person who never worked in a factory can never understand what you’re going through, a person who never wanted to listen to you will never understand what you’re trying to say. I look at where I am today and I’m happy that I let go, I did do that degree I didnt quit it. Today, I’m perfectly fine, financially, socially, and I’m living my life perfectly with whatever I want to do, because I put myself first. I have a group of true friends that stick out for each other and have each other’s back, I have a loving wife whom I hope reads this (Fingers Crossed) I love you, I have a great family, and they’re all now convinced that I’m a hard worker.

Another great impact on me was following entrepreneurs, motivational speakers and reading books. Gary Vaynerchuk was someone I followed thoroughly and listened to with all ears. The things GaryVee said always helped me which was mostly “Do what you want to do”.

You follow someone thoroughly on social media or offline and you make them your ideal, you’ll always find your silver lining out of the clouds. You follow someone inspirational and you aim to inspire others.

In the end I will say that talk, follow, think but dont overthink. You can talk to anyone, you make up an anyonymous ID online and you talk to anyone about your thoughts and feelings and people will help you. If you’re shy of coming out to the world you can always do this method I mentioned above. Making things happen in today’s world is easy you have to (quoting Nike Better World’s motto here) JUST DO IT.

If you want to talk to me about my experiences or you just want me listen hit me up on the comments.

Gary Vaynerchuk if you’re seeing this I’m a big fan and I’m glad you could help me. Peace Out!



Ajmal Khan

I write because I love writing. I write from the heart. You wont find much punctuation in my articles but you’ll find thoughts and feelings