AJ Motors The Second Hand Car Dealers In Christchurch

AJ Motors
Jul 13, 2023


AJ Motors the second hand car dealers in Christchurch is providing the cars at affordable prices. Our selection of vehicles is quite affordable and offers great value. You can simply buy your desired vehicle right away with the help of our helpful team and inexpensive financing options. Explore AJ Motors to shop your dream car.

Contact Details:

Address: 207 Main South Road, Hornby, Christchurch

Phone: 0800 566 789

Email: christchurch@ajmotors.co.nz

Website: https://www.ajmotors.co.nz/contact-us?dealer=christchurch



AJ Motors

AJ Motors is renowned for offering the best car deal services in Auckland. https://www.ajmotors.co.nz/