
Kenniesha Bethea
3 min readAug 5, 2020


When I made the decision to start this blog, I was terrified. Most of the terror came from the “fear of the unknown”. I’m sure we’ve all experienced it before, right? Maybe right before you’re about to make some big decision, doubt crept in. I finally chose not to harvest this emotion anymore. I chose to surrender to the process and make myself vulnerable. This blog isn’t meant to be some technical, piece of BS that is afraid to dig deep. If you know me personally, I’m an open book. I think I might even over share at times lol. This blog is meant to use my experiences, values, and beliefs to provide a background and understanding of who I am and what I believe in. I’ll also use my self awareness journey to hopefully help you become aware of some of your limiting behaviors. We see a lot of our limiting behaviors in others. No matter where you are on your journey, the fact that you ended up here means that you’re ready for raw, uncut, truth because I’m giving you life based on my experiences…. And I’ve had quite a few.

So here we go my name is Kenniesha Bethea but everyone calls me Neesh. I’m a 25 year old, African American female. I’m originally from southeast, Washington, D.C. I grew up in a low-income household, in the public school system around poverty and struggle. I graduated with honors from Trinity Washington University with a Bachelors of Arts in Forensic Psychology. I’m currently enrolled as a Life Coach trainee, at The Coach Training Academy and Work Life Destinations. I plan to further my education with a Phd in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from an accredited school. I hope to start this program in the fall of 2021. It is my dream to open nonprofits focused on self-awareness, well-being, and career/educational development. Growing up, I was the only girl in a male dominated family so this made me very spoiled but losing my mother to gun violence at a very young age also taught me independence and the importance of survival. I’m also a Libra, which is important because balance and fairness is a huge part of my life. It breaks my heart to see injustice so a lot of the events of 2020 have affected me personally. I love that I’m learning how to use my voice to stand up for what I believe in. Another interesting fact is that I’m often reminded that I have different sides to my personality that all balance out who I am perfectly. This is a great trait to have because I can be versatile. One word a friend of mines used while describing me was magnanimous. Magnanimous means “A person that shows their over-sized spirit by being noble or brave, or by easily forgiving others and not showing resentment. It implies superiority, and is something you should say of others rather than of yourself”. I love this word and when she sent me this long text at five am telling me how much she loves and appreciates me, I instantly felt gratitude. It’s moments like those that show me the recognition I longed for. The text resonated with me so much because I’ve always been very forgiving. My paternal grandmother and father always instilled in me the importance of being kind, forgiving, and being there for family. While my maternal grandmother provided me with spiritual guidance that I continue to use today. I was always taught to forgive your loved ones because life is too short to be hung up on trival things. I didn’t understand until I was older how others couldn’t forgive so easily. I realized this is a blessing and a curse because people can take advantage of you. I started this spiritual journey to help embrace my magnanimous spirit and surrender myself. This has helped me think positively in my daily life. I’m in control of my emotions and what I allow people to have control over. This is one positive way I’ve grown during this time. You have to accept and surrender your emotions in order to heal and grow from them. If not, you will do the opposite and turn them into negative feelings. Harvesting positive emotions and thoughts are essential to excellent physical and mental health.

