What is the California National Party?

Alyssa Belton
3 min readMay 8, 2018


Image Credit: California National Party

California is one of 50 states, but will it remain so? The California National Party is a growing platform seeking autonomy from the United States as a whole.

According to the International Monetary Fund’s 2015 report, California is the 6th strongest economy in the world. California pays more in federal tax than it receives in funding meanwhile the state is in debt.

In an interview, last February Jed Wheeler the Vice Chair of the CNP stated that 13 million Californians support their independence. Which was brought about by the rise of the Trump administration and Republican rhetoric. Naturally, this is at odds with the Californian majority and the CNP strives to represent the views of most Californians in every aspect of its platform.

“The Republican party has almost completely collapsed here,” says Wheeler. “The Republican party made some very, very, bad choices. They positioned themselves against immigrants…California is, in a way that America is not, actually a nation of immigrants.”

What would an independent California look like? We reached out to the California National Party for comment.

“We want a fairer, stronger, and more equitable California. Eventually we want the California Republic to be independent via the ballot box. We are tired of being ruled by a bunch of patriarchal, misogynistic, racist, anti-LGBTQ folks in distant DC such that our money is used to fight wars we don’t want to fight and prop up poor US failed states mainly in the US South on our dime” said a representative via email.

Citizens can expect universal health care, freedom and equality for all, immigration reform, environmental protection and much more. For an extensive look at the complete CNP platform check out the party’s website.

California’s independence resembles a sort of liberal utopia. But a point of contention regarding the platform is that each member would be conscripted to their choice of the citizen army or peace corps.

In the 1869 Texas V. White secession case the United States Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional and stated that revolution or consent of the States could lead to a successful secession. There has been over 200 secession proposals since the formation of the state in 1850. But the most recent and significant is that of the CNP.

Image Credit: California National Party

The CNP is would like to negotiate a peaceful secession from the United States by means of the 2019 referendum. This would ideally initiate a constitutional exit from the union.

Herlim Li is a Californian and a Union Organizer for American Federation of Teachers. Li is no stranger to the plight of the CNP. He believes that for the very reasons that make California capable of being an independent sanction is why the U.S government will not allow the state to secede. “California’s economic output is greater than some 15 states combined and pays the most in federal taxes out of any other state” Li explains, “As tempting as the notion of California not being part of Trump’s America is, there is no option other than armed uprising for the Golden State to secede.”

Like many Californians, Li is supportive of the state’s independence but are equally wary of the sacrifices.

In the video below Cal-exit president Marcus Ruiz Evans states a Reuters poll reported that, “47.5% of Californians were not opposed to seceding.”

Presently the CNP is focused on recruiting members to their party. The CNP seeks to become the number one political party in the U.S ousting the Republican party entirely. Only time will tell what the 2019 referendum will bring as the party is gaining clout and preparing to face off against their countrymen.



Alyssa Belton

California girl in Paris studying journalism et le langue de Francais.