How’s your vision? A little blurry?

A.J. Steel - Artist
2 min readSep 9, 2016


Can you see where you’re going? You probably can or you’d either have a nasty bump on your head or worse still, be recovering from the bus that hit you when you when you across the road.

What I mean is, do you know where you’re going? You don’t need some grand plan of taking over the world, but it’s probably fair to say that most of us have a picture in our mind of the life we want to live. It just seems natural, even if that means just hanging out and going with the flow.

I was at rehearsal the other night and took this photo of my set list, and it came out a little blurry. You can see it’s not the world’s greatest photograph, lucky I’m not hanging my hat that to save me! But, it did make me think. I wonder if sometimes we think we know where we’re going and we start of strong but somewhere along the path the idea or image we’re chasing becomes a little blurry. I guess that’s where timeout comes in. I find it really does help you see things from a different angle and you’ll either confirm or deny your suspicions.

Is there something in your life that has become a little blurry recently? Would some time away from it help?

Have a great weekend. I hope you find time to do something fun.

AJ Steel

