Effortless PDF Creation in PHP: Exploring the Top Libraries

Andropov Ajuatah Ajebua
2 min readMar 8, 2024

In today’s digital world, the Portable Document Format (PDF) reigns supreme for sharing documents reliably across platforms. If you’re building web applications with PHP, you’ll be delighted to know that generating PDFs dynamically is a breeze with the right libraries. Let’s dive into the best options available.

The Heavyweights: TCPDF and FPDF


The seasoned veteran of PHP PDF generation. TCPDF offers a wealth of features for crafting intricate PDF documents. From tables and images to barcodes and advanced layout control, TCPDF has you covered. This power comes with a bit of a learning curve, but it’s the go-to choice for those needing maximum customization.


If speed and simplicity are your priorities, FPDF is the way to go. It’s a lightweight library that excels at producing basic PDFs quickly. FPDI, its companion, even lets you import existing PDFs as templates, streamlining updates and modifications.

The HTML Whisperer: Dompdf


This library is a dream for web developers. It seamlessly converts HTML and CSS into beautifully formatted PDFs. If you’re already comfortable with HTML and CSS, Dompdf enables you to design your PDF’s appearance using the skills you already possess.

When Accuracy is Key: wkhtmltopdf


Harnessing the power of the WebKit rendering engine, wkhtmltopdf provides incredibly precise HTML to PDF conversion. It even handles JavaScript, making it perfect for highly interactive or visually sophisticated content. The one caveat is that it requires installation on your server.

Choosing Your PDF Powerhouse

So, how do you decide? Here’s a quick guide:

  • Need detailed control over the layout? TCPDF is your best bet.
  • Is speed paramount? Opt for FPDF.
  • Have complex HTML structures to convert? Dompdf is the answer.
  • Desire the most accurate HTML and CSS rendering? Consider wkhtmltopdf.

Beyond the Basics

The libraries mentioned above offer a solid foundation for PDF generation in PHP. Always explore their documentation for the full range of their capabilities. Often, you’ll find features to add headers and footers, create forms, incorporate watermarks, and much more.

Let the PDF Creation Begin!

The world of PHP PDF generation is vast and exciting. Experiment with the different libraries to discover which aligns best with your projects and preferences. With these tools at your fingertips, you’ll be generating beautifully formatted PDFs in no time!

