Building Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems: A Simple and Human Perspective

Akshay Aryan
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Imagine a system as a busy kitchen in a family home. This kitchen needs to be reliable, scalable, and maintainable to keep the family well-fed and happy. Let’s explore these principles through this familiar setting.

Reliability: Ensuring the Kitchen Works Correctly

Reliability in a system is like ensuring the kitchen appliances work correctly, even when things go wrong.

  • Hardware Faults: Imagine the refrigerator breaking down suddenly. Even though this is unexpected, having a backup mini-fridge can save the day, just like redundant servers can keep a website running when one fails.
  • Software Faults: Consider a recipe book with a missing page. If the cook knows the recipe well enough or has a backup recipe, dinner can still be served. Similarly, software systems use fallback mechanisms to handle unexpected issues.
  • Human Errors: Think of a situation where someone accidentally uses salt instead of sugar. With clear labels and a step-by-step guide, these mistakes can be minimized. In software, clear documentation and error-checking help reduce human errors.

Fault-tolerance techniques, like having spare appliances or backup recipes, ensure that the kitchen continues to function correctly even when things go wrong.

Scalability: Handling More Guests

Scalability is about keeping the kitchen running smoothly even when more people show up for dinner.

  • Load: This is like the number of guests arriving. A kitchen that can only serve a family of four might struggle to feed a party of twenty.
  • Performance: If serving times are usually 30 minutes but stretch to 2 hours when there are more guests, it’s clear that the kitchen needs to scale up.

To handle more guests, the family might:

  • Get a bigger oven or more cooking utensils.
  • Prepare in advance or cook in batches.

In software terms, adding more servers or optimizing code can help the system handle increased user traffic while maintaining performance.

Maintainability: Keeping the Kitchen Easy to Manage

Maintainability ensures that the kitchen remains easy to use, clean, and update over time.

  • Abstractions: Having organized cabinets and labeled jars simplifies cooking. In software, good abstractions make the codebase easier to understand and modify.
  • Operability: Regular cleaning schedules and maintenance checks ensure everything is in good working order. Similarly, monitoring and logging keep the system healthy and manageable.

Maintainable systems, like well-kept kitchens, allow for easy modifications. For instance, introducing a new dish to the menu or upgrading appliances doesn’t disrupt daily operations.


Building reliable, scalable, and maintainable systems is akin to running an efficient, adaptable, and easy-to-manage kitchen. Just as a family kitchen needs backup plans, the ability to handle more guests, and easy maintenance, software systems need fault-tolerance, scalability strategies, and good practices for maintainability. By focusing on these principles, we ensure that our systems, like our kitchens, serve us well, no matter the challenges we face.



Akshay Aryan

Cultivating a passion for technology and delving into intriguing, lesser-known tech facts.