Clickjacking: A Comprehensive Overview, Detection, Impacts, and Mitigation

9 min readAug 9, 2023


Source: example4-clickjacking.png (400×284) (

Clickjacking represents a sophisticated form of interface-based cyberattack that exploits the unsuspecting actions of users on websites, highlighting a critical vulnerability in web security. This report delves into the intricacies of clickjacking, shedding light on its deceptive mechanisms, potential consequences, and preventive measures.


Clickjacking, also known as UI redress attack or user interface (UI) overlay attack, is a sophisticated and deceptive cyberattack that manipulates user interactions on websites. This technique exploits the way web pages are designed to trick users into performing unintended actions without their knowledge or consent. By exploiting the trust users place in familiar interfaces, clickjacking enables attackers to redirect user actions towards hidden, malicious elements, often resulting in unauthorized activities or data exposure.

Mechanics of Clickjacking

Clickjacking involves a series of carefully orchestrated steps:

  1. Decoy and Victim Websites: Attackers create two websites — a decoy and a victim site. The decoy site contains seemingly innocuous and enticing content, while the victim site holds the actual target or action the attacker wishes the user to perform.
  2. Layering and Transparency: Attackers invisibly layer the decoy site over the victim site using iframes (HTML elements used to embed content from another source). The decoy site is made transparent, so users can still see the content of the victim site.
  3. User Interaction Misdirection: Users are led to believe that they are interacting with the decoy site’s content when, in reality, their actions are being secretly directed to interact with the hidden victim site underneath.
  4. Unintended Actions: As users perform actions such as clicking buttons, links, or even playing games on the decoy site, their interactions are unwittingly applied to the hidden victim site. This can lead to unintended consequences, such as making financial transactions, sharing sensitive information, or changing account settings.

Examples of Clickjacking Scenarios

  1. Social Media Clickjacking: An attacker might create a decoy site that appears to display an interesting video. When users click the video, they unknowingly trigger a hidden action that ‘likes’ a malicious post on their social media profiles.
  2. Financial Exploitation: Users might be enticed by a deceptive advertisement promising a prize. Clicking on the ad can trigger an invisible button on a banking website, transferring funds without the user’s consent.
  3. Credential Theft: A user might unknowingly enter their login credentials on a fake login page while interacting with a seemingly harmless game on another site, exposing their account details.

Testing for Vulnerabilities

Detecting clickjacking vulnerabilities in a website requires a meticulous examination of its user interface interactions. Attackers exploit the trust users place in familiar interfaces to redirect actions towards hidden, malicious elements. To assess the susceptibility of a website to clickjacking, a combination of techniques and tools can be employed, ranging from manual inspection to automated testing. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough evaluation of potential vulnerabilities.

  • Manual Inspection
    Manually scrutinizing a website’s interface for clickjacking vulnerabilities involves a step-by-step analysis:

    — Inspect Element: Examine the website’s source code using browser developer tools to identify iframes or other elements that might be used to overlay content.
    — Check for Transparency: Look for transparent elements that could be positioned over visible content to intercept clicks.
    — Investigate Interactions: Interact with various elements on the website to observe if any unexpected actions occur, such as redirection to external sites.
  • Automated Tools
    Several automated tools can assist in identifying clickjacking vulnerabilities:

    — Burp Suite: Utilize the Burp Suite web vulnerability scanner to automatically detect clickjacking vulnerabilities by analyzing the website’s responses to different requests.
    — OWASP ZAP: OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) includes a clickjacking scanner that can identify potential vulnerabilities by analyzing the website’s behavior.
    — NexPloit: NexPloit, a dynamic application security testing tool, can simulate clickjacking attacks and evaluate a website’s susceptibility.
  • Browser Developer Tools
    Browser developer tools offer functionalities to assess clickjacking vulnerabilities:

    — Element Inspection: Examine the website’s DOM (Document Object Model) to uncover iframes or other potentially hidden elements.
    — Network Monitoring: Monitor network requests and responses to identify any unexpected communication with external domains or resources.
    — Interactive Debugger: Utilize the interactive debugger to trace JavaScript interactions and identify any scripts responsible for potential clickjacking.
  • Frame Busting Scripts
    Test a website’s resilience against clickjacking by attempting to bypass frame busting scripts:

    — Manual Bypass: Try to frame the website within an iframe on an external domain to check if frame busting scripts effectively prevent it.
    — Automated Bypass Tools: Employ tools like “Clickjackpot” to test if frame busting scripts can be circumvented, indicating potential vulnerabilities.
  • Third-Party Services
    Engage third-party services that specialize in vulnerability assessments, which may include clickjacking checks:

    — Online Scanners: Utilize online security scanners that offer clickjacking testing as part of their comprehensive assessment.
  • False Flag Interactions
    Employ interactions that might trigger clickjacking and observe the website’s response:

    — Click Hijacking: Click on various elements and observe if they trigger actions on hidden layers.
    — Mouse Movements: Move the mouse cursor across the website to simulate user interactions and assess any unexpected behavior.

Impact of Clickjacking

Clickjacking, a deceptive interface-based attack, poses significant risks to both individuals and organizations by manipulating user interactions on websites. The exploitation of users’ trust in familiar interfaces can lead to a wide range of detrimental consequences, encompassing financial losses, data breaches, identity theft, and compromise of user trust. Understanding the multifaceted impact of clickjacking is essential for appreciating the urgency of robust preventive measures.

  • Financial Peril
    Clickjacking attacks can have severe financial ramifications:

    — Unauthorized Transactions: Users may unknowingly perform actions, such as transferring funds or making purchases, that result in financial losses.
    — Subscription Sign-Ups: Attackers might trick users into subscribing to unwanted services or making recurring payments.
  • Data Compromise
    Clickjacking exposes sensitive information to malicious actors:

    — Information Disclosure: Users can unknowingly provide personal or confidential data, such as passwords or credit card details, to attackers.
    — Account Takeover: Attackers can manipulate users into changing account settings, effectively taking control of their accounts.
  • Malware Distribution
    Clickjacking can facilitate the distribution of malicious software:

    — Drive-By Downloads: Users might be coerced into clicking on hidden download buttons that lead to the unwitting installation of malware.
    — Infected Plugins: Clickjacking can exploit users to click on seemingly innocuous plugins or updates that introduce malware to their systems.
  • Identity Subversion
    Clickjacking serves as a gateway for identity theft and manipulation:

    — Credential Theft: Users might enter login credentials on a fake login page, unknowingly providing attackers with access to their accounts.
    — Profile Tampering: Attackers can manipulate users into modifying their profiles, potentially tarnishing their online presence.
  • Erosion of User Trust
    The impact of clickjacking extends to the erosion of user trust in online interactions:

    — Loss of Confidence: Victims of clickjacking attacks may lose confidence in the security of online services, leading to reduced engagement.
    — Reputation Damage: Organizations that fall prey to clickjacking attacks risk damaging their reputation and customer trust.
  • Regulatory and Legal Implications
    Clickjacking can trigger legal and regulatory consequences:

    — Data Protection Laws: Organizations may face legal action for failing to protect user data compromised through clickjacking.
    — Consumer Protection: Companies could be held liable for financial losses suffered by users due to clickjacking attacks.
  • Economic Impact
    The economic impact of clickjacking extends beyond individual losses:

    — Financial Liabilities: Organizations may incur financial liabilities due to compensating users for losses resulting from clickjacking attacks.
    — Operational Disruption: Mitigating and recovering from clickjacking attacks can disrupt normal business operations.
  • Diminished User Experience
    Clickjacking compromises the user experience and usability of websites:

    — Confusion and Frustration: Users who unknowingly trigger actions they did not intend can experience confusion and frustration.
    — Reduced Engagement: Fear of potential clickjacking attacks might deter users from actively engaging with online content.

Understanding the multifaceted impact of clickjacking underscores the critical importance of proactive measures to prevent and mitigate these attacks. By implementing robust security measures, educating users, and continuously monitoring for vulnerabilities, organizations can safeguard themselves and their users from the far-reaching consequences of clickjacking.

Preventing Clickjacking

To mitigate this threat, a multifaceted approach that combines technical measures, security best practices, and user education is essential. By proactively implementing preventive strategies, organizations can bolster their defenses and reduce the risk of clickjacking attacks.

  • Implement Frame-Busting Scripts
    Frame-busting scripts disrupt the overlaying of iframes, a common technique used in clickjacking attacks. These scripts prevent websites from being framed within malicious iframes, safeguarding against clickjacking attempts.
  • Utilize the X-Frame-Options Header
    By setting the ‘X-Frame-Options’ HTTP header, websites can specify whether they can be framed by external sources. This header instructs browsers to deny framing attempts, effectively thwarting clickjacking attacks.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP)
    A robust CSP restricts the sources from which a website’s content can be loaded, minimizing the risk of unauthorized embedding. Implement a CSP that only permits content from trusted domains, reducing the attack surface for clickjacking.
  • Frame Busting with JavaScript
    Implement JavaScript-based frame-busting techniques that disrupt attempts to frame a website within malicious iframes. This can include code that redirects or breaks out of frames, ensuring the website is displayed as intended.
  • UI Design Best Practices
    Adopt user interface design principles that minimize the risk of clickjacking:

    — Clear Visual Indicators: Use consistent visual cues to indicate secure interactions and help users identify legitimate content.
    — Disable Right-Click: Prevent right-clicking to discourage attackers from using context menus to manipulate interactions.
  • Educate Users
    Empower users to recognize and respond to clickjacking attempts:

    — Awareness Campaigns: Educate users about the concept of clickjacking and provide tips to identify suspicious interactions.
    — Safe Browsing Practices: Encourage users to avoid clicking on unfamiliar or unexpected content.
  • Regular Security Audits
    Conduct regular security assessments to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities:

    — Third-Party Services: Engage external security experts or penetration testing services to perform thorough assessments.
    — Automated Scans: Utilize security tools that include clickjacking testing as part of their vulnerability scanning.
  • Browser Security Features
    Leverage browser-specific security features to enhance protection against clickjacking:

    — Framebusting Code Execution: Some browsers automatically execute frame-busting scripts, further reducing the risk of clickjacking.
    — Same-Origin Policy: Rely on the browser’s same-origin policy to prevent malicious sites from accessing and manipulating content from other domains.
  • Regular Updates and Patches
    Keep software, libraries, and frameworks up-to-date to mitigate vulnerabilities that could be exploited for clickjacking attacks.
  • Secure Code Development
    Adopt secure coding practices to minimize the risk of introducing vulnerabilities during development:

    — Input Validation: Implement strict input validation and output encoding to prevent attackers from injecting malicious content.
    — Sanitization: Cleanse user-generated content to eliminate potential vectors for clickjacking attacks.

By combining these preventive measures, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of clickjacking attacks and enhance the overall security posture of their web applications. The proactive approach of implementing technical safeguards, educating users, and fostering a security-conscious culture is crucial in safeguarding against the deceptive tactics of clickjacking.

Key Takeaways

Clickjacking, a deceitful interface-based attack, requires a comprehensive defense strategy to protect web applications and users from its potential threats. Preventing clickjacking demands a multifaceted approach that includes technical safeguards, adherence to security best practices, and user education.

Frame-busting scripts and the ‘X-Frame-Options’ HTTP header are pivotal tools in preventing clickjacking by disrupting the overlaying of malicious iframes. A robust Content Security Policy (CSP) restricts content sources, minimizing the risk of unauthorized embedding. Employing JavaScript-based frame-busting techniques further fortifies protection against framing attempts.

Thoughtful user interface design can help users identify legitimate content, while education initiatives empower users to recognize and avoid suspicious interactions. Regular security audits, browser security features, secure coding practices, and software updates are integral components of a proactive defense strategy.

Ultimately, the collaborative effort of technical measures, user awareness, and a security-conscious mindset is paramount in mitigating the multifaceted risks posed by clickjacking.


  1. Barth, A., & Jackson, C. (2008). Robust Defenses for Cross-Site Request Forgery. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
  2. Hansen, R. (2009). Defending against Clickjacking. Retrieved from
  3. Zalewski, M. (2010). The Anatomy of Clickjacking. Retrieved from
  4. OWASP. (n.d.). Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet. Retrieved from
  5. Kettle, S. (2017). The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications. No Starch Press.
  6. Zalewski, M. (2009). Browser Security Handbook. Google Open Source.
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  8. Burp Suite. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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