Sharing impressions: Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference

3 min readMar 22, 2018


Blockchain and Bitcoin conference in Tallinn has positively surprised with an amount of participants and overall mood of the day. Akaiito team has got benefitial knowledge and met a lot of new and interesting people sharing the same passion as we are: blockchain technology and crypto development. Speakers from all over the world has been sharing own experiences, opinions and ideas.

During the conference has been as well touched G20 and its outcome topic. Thierry Vallat (Founder at Cabinet Thierry Vallat) commented, that France and Germany in particular had a wish for implementing crypto sphere regulations, but lack of understanding on high political level what is actually blockchain and is it it bad or good, was so far an obstacle for regulations implementation. He noted as well, that it is obvious that there are more advantages from blockchain technology, than disadvantages. Hopefully, it is just a matter of time untill all nations will come up to this understanding.

Regardless of not so good current situation on crypto market, public mood was very positive. Crypto currencies and ICO are restricted in some countries, but during the conference it was clearly visible, that development is ongoing and blockchain is continuing to change the world. Akaiito in also developing and intend to change the world to better side. Akaiito wants to connect crypto world to real world and make crypto usage more comfortable to all crypto holders.

Akaiito team met interesting people from Asia and we are looking forward for our meeting in Tokyo. Also one Korean start up is opening an office in Tallinn and we are not surprised why team has choosen Estonia for the start of expansion road. Estonia is country very loyal to crypto currencies and blockchain. Therefore future worldwide platform Akaiito is glad to be born in Estonia.

Akaiito Co-Founder Deniss Kanavin at Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference in Tallinn.

We are very proud, that such a small, but progressive country as Estonia is very active in hosting Blockchain Conferences! Only 2.5 months ago there has been an amazing Moontec Conference, were Akaiito team has a pleasure to participate as well.

Akaiito Founder Sergey Brek

Akaiito CEO Katja Krolova

