Trust or not to trust?

3 min readFeb 1, 2018


Last couple months feels, that crypto world is getting a bit on a bumpy road. Many criticizing opinions, compromising situations and as an outcome: some part of community is turning doubting and confused.

From the latest biggest influencing news fairly outstanding ones are: harsh Bitcoin critics from top business leaders on conference in Davos and Facebook / Instagram ban for all cryptocurrency and ICO ads.

Cryptocurrencies were one of the biggest topics at the Forum in Davos. The main indictments stayed still quite the same as usually: possibility of collapsing, anonymity, lack of transparency and etc. Of course, the main critics has been Bank governors, representatives of Funds etc.

I think, that answer, which explains a lot, why the negative wave of opinion is coming from, so to speak, official representatives of fiat money was an answer of Nic Cary, co-founder of cryptocurrency wallet Blockchain.

“You have to look at the fundamentals,” he said. “To us, we are seeing increases in transaction volume and to me that’s one of the first indicators that more people are using this in their daily lives and that’s really interesting to me.”

During 2016-2017 has happened rapid increase of cryptocurrency use and, of course, it is the danger for Banks and Funds, who will probably loose the share of market and the share of capitalization. Widely its called defending position. Good or bad? Well, quite natural. Fight between old and new is always happening on the stage of transformation and there are a lot of people on one side and a lot of people on another with own kind reasonable arguments and opinions. During this kind of transformation important is just to understand what You believe in, its kind of question of brave and personal choice.

Second portion of important news: Facebook/Instagram ban for any advertising promoting cryptocurrency products and services. First thought when You see the name of this ban is usually “Facebook is against cryptocurrency”. But as with everything what You see in mass media, You should dive deeper to understand is it really so as it seems from the beginning or not. Facebook said that it was open to emerging technologies but many companies were not acting in “good faith” when extolling the virtues buying into virtual currencies. “We want people to continue to discover and learn about new products and services through Facebook ads without fear of scams or deception,” wrote Rob Leathern, product management director for Facebook Business. The wave of scam projects has increased last couple months and from that perspective it is quite logical reaction from one of the biggest internet resources.

Latest news has brought us to conclusion, that community has come to the moment when it needs to shape out own rules of regulations, own rules of judgments for new projects and decide what is needed and what should be thrown away.

Akaiito thinks, that although all circumstances may seem rough, this is actually really good moment for the projects, which truly meant for the development of crypto community. While judgment of new projects is getting more critical, it is the moment when real will be separated from fake.

What comes to Akaiito news… we have launched Whitepaper on Chinese language! All Chinese speaking people are very welcome to read Akaiito Whitepaper in own native language on our official website:

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