Ajay A Rao
2 min readJan 27, 2016

What are the Symptoms of Diabetes to watch out for?

Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases affecting a majority of the population. Children as young as three years old are suffering from diabetes due to unhealthy lifestyle. While someone diagnosed cannot be completely free of the illness, it can always be curbed to a certain extent.

A diabetes doctors can help in curbing and maintaining the level of your blood sugar to ensure that you live a healthy and risk-free life. It is only possible by keeping a track of your diabetes. Here are a few symptoms of diabetes that you need to look out for so that you receive treatment on time:

Hunger and tiredness: Since the food you eat gets converted into glucose which, in turn, is used as energy, the body needs insulin for the glucose to work. With no glucose to provide energy, the body starts showing signs of fatigue which is a clear sign that you could be suffering from diabetes.

Frequent urination: Diabetic patients tend to urinate more frequently than those who have no trace of diabetes. With your blood sugar level shooting up, it gets difficult for the body to reabsorb glucose passing through your kidneys. This leads to diabetic patients urinating more which causes them to be thirsty, leading to more intake of water or fluids. Thus, the cycle continues, making it a glaring sign of diabetes.

Problems with sight: With frequent intake of fluids leading to frequent urination, the fluid levels in the body keep changing. This causes your lens in your eyes to swell up, causing vision impairment or blurry vision.

The above mentioned symptoms are common to both Type A diabetes and Type B diabetes, helping you figure out whether you are, indeed, suffering from diabetes. Going for a check to a diabetologist is the best way to be sure if you notice any of these signs.