@Decoding Nature’s language

Akanksha Dingare
2 min readOct 1, 2019


Earth is the only planet in the entire solar system that supports life. It is the only planet bearing oxygen, water and environment suitable for existence of life. From past many years, human race has been trying to reach for possibilities of life beyond earth. Humans reached moon and mars. And taking a look at scientific development, humans will soon get the chance to visit moon and mars.

But do we deserve any other planet for living? Human race is living on earth from past 2,00,000 years. This planet has been completing all the necessities of human life making it secured and luxurious but do humans care about their planet in return?

We are developing our lands, standards of living and economy. In the rush of our development what we miss out is contamination of our byproducts with nature. “Nature helps us survive and we are killing it.” Our day-to-day life is filled with pollution. Right from beginning of our day to end of the day, we pollute our planet in some or the other way. Use of mobile phones responsible for radiations, travelling in vehicles that are responsible for emission of Carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, use of plastic, letting factory outlets in water bodies, smoke emission in environment, deforestation, wastage of water are some of the things harmful for our planet yet many of the practices are still on going.

Occurrence of natural calamities is seen over past many years, maybe that is the warning to human race everytime pollution is increased. Each time when houses were devastated, families were lost, surroundings were ruined, every time people came to help people, nature came to heal everyone but then cycle of urbanization and pollution started all over again. While it is convenient to push the blame to extreme weather conditions for devastating rains, but not everything is due to nature. In a bid to expand, many cities have been engulfing upon its rivers, sacrificing wetlands to accommodate development and compromising marshlands for developing public infrastructure.

Early warning systems (EWS) have been a huge help to predict natural calamities like floods, cyclones, landslides and many more. Keeping track of EWS can help to reduce the destruction by about 3–4 times less than actual destruction.

We so centered our growth that we forgot planet’s growth.

Along with fast rate of urbanization, we also acquired fast rate of pollution harming earth in a huge quantity. But now we are just polluting and resulting it into our planet getting tired of us. Now it’s high time that we actually start worrying about our planet and accept certain alternatives that can prevent pollution. To keep our Earth untroubled, we should make more use of naturally available sources. Let’s take an initiative towards betterment of our planet together without the barriers of regions…

