Making a career in venture market

Akansha Sharma
2 min readJun 14, 2017


Experts say that the venture capital market is full of ups and downs and we could not agree any less. Since the market involves huge sums of money, debts, and finances, it can be all a little overwhelming for a person who had just started his career in this field.

Private equity in India is an extremely fluctuating domain and somebody who is new in this field must know some fundamental rules to get started. Read on to know what all it takes to make a career in private equity.

Private equity in India

Prove your worth: Believe it or not but private equity market is all about making right decisions and right investments. In order to prove your worth in this industry you must be ready to make some tough decisions and profitable investments. A few good profitable returns will help you get your foot rooted in the market. Getting profits from real estate funds in India is not that easy. All you need is a good research of market and a little hard work in the beginning to finally make your mark.

Make your Portfolio strong: In order to fetch interesting business opportunities from leading industries in market, you must make your portfolio strong and attractive enough to grab attention. Interact with as many people as possible to establish your contacts and keep a close look at the prevailing market trends to maximize your skills to the fullest.

Act Diplomatically: Making investments and deals in private equity market is no cakewalk. You have to deal with a lot of people on daily basis and some of them might be extremely difficult to handle sometimes. In such situations you have to act a little diplomatically to get your job done. Act sincerely and execute your action plan at the right time. Private equity market is all about the right timing. Any wrong move at wrong time can cost you big bucks.

Plan everything beforehand: Though, there is no stability associated with private equity market but right planning and a bit of research beforehand can help you make good money. Be prepared with your documentation work and prepare presentation to show it to your clients. A good planning and beforehand knowledge of current market trends can help you fetch great business deals.



Akansha Sharma

I’m a freelance writer and blogger, works at Everstone Capital & Indospace. In free time love reading and enjoying with friends.