Alex Karpowitsch
1 min readMay 3, 2018


Hi Vicken! Thanks for this guide, this was very helpful. I’m having some problems though with the instructions you’ve included. I’m performing this on a newly reformatted computer, so there’s no other software/any configuration changes made other than what you’ve written up. Here are my notes —

I’m able to get through all of the instructions you’ve written, it seems that there are few different items in my Chrome config though. For example -

# display += 1

I had

# display += 20

In either case, I still changed it to 0 and proceeded with the changes.

I saved an extra copy of my config file (Dropbox download link) —

Let me know if you see anything that might be incorrectly configured. When I reached this step —

/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop --start

I received the message —

“/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop — stop

The daemon is not currently running”

But CRD is definitely installed!

For kicks I entered —

/opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-remote-desktop --start

But after I enter this command it kicks me out of the terminal.

Ultimately, the problem is that after I enter the PIN and click Enable Remote Connections, it spins and spins and it never seems to want to take/start the Chrome Remote Desktop service.

I’ve tried restarting, reformatting, everything I can possibly thing of to get this working and CRD just keeps hanging when I attempt to enable Remote Connections after entering a PIN.

Any ideas?

