Turning Setbacks into Comebacks: 5 Simple questions to ask yourself

Akarshi Aggarwal
3 min readAug 13, 2023


We all know life throws us curveballs from time to time, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when negativity knocks on our door. But guess what? You’ve got the power to not just weather the storm but to come out even stronger. Let’s dive into some practical, heartfelt tips to keep that positivity shining, no matter how dark the clouds may seem.

As much as I know that a rational person would prefer to yell, cry, shut themselves (or even vandalize, if you are the aggressive type), A better rational human should ask the following questions to not let the negativity evelop them.

Is This Worth getting Upset over?

Pause for a moment and ask yourself, “Is this situation truly worth getting upset over?” Sometimes, taking a step back helps put things into perspective. Remember, not every battle is worth fighting, and not every negative situation deserves to steal your peace.

What’s the lesson here?

Life has a funny way of teaching us valuable lessons, even in the toughest times. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Every challenge can be a stepping stone to growth. Embrace the lesson, and you’ll find your way out of negativity with newfound wisdom.

Are You Overreacting?

We’ve all been there — overthinking and overreacting to situations that might not be as dire as they seem. Take a deep breath and ask yourself if you’re blowing things out of proportion. Sometimes, a little perspective can save you a lot of unnecessary stress.

Is there any positive takeaway from this?

You believe it or not, I know this for sure that every challenging phase of your life is there to give you either a blessing or a lesson, no matter how cruel you may feel God to be, It ndeed is always fo your best.

planting seeds of positivity in your mind

Do I have control over this?

You cannot contol how your boss or your colleagues’ speak to you, but it is upto you to decide to let their mood and attitude affect yours.

things you can not control

“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”

Life isn’t always smooth; setbacks can feel bitter. Yet, your resilience, lessons learned, and positive attitude shape your journey. Each setback is a comeback chance — an adversity-to-strength transformation.

Next time negativity knocks, remember empowering questions. Move forward, armed to thrive. You’re the artist of your life’s masterpiece; setbacks add depth and color to your growth canvas. 🎨🌟



Akarshi Aggarwal

A chronic introvert urging to become a people' person | LinkedIn & X Ghostwriter