Book Summary for “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien

Akash Dolas
3 min readApr 20, 2024


“The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien is a classic fantasy tale that’s split into three parts, each with two books. Here’s the rundown of what happens:

Volume 1: The Fellowship of the Ring

Book One

  • The Early Chapters: It all starts in the Shire where Frodo Baggins gets the mysterious One Ring from his uncle Bilbo. Gandalf, the wizard, tells him it’s super dangerous and belongs to the evil Sauron. Frodo needs to ditch the Shire because some creepy Ringwraiths are after him.
  • The Later Chapters: Frodo and his buddies Sam, Merry, and Pippin hit the road. They meet up with Aragorn, a ranger, who helps them head to Rivendell where elves and other folks debate what to do with the Ring.

Book Two

  • The Early Chapters: At the big meeting, called the Council of Elrond, everyone decides to destroy the Ring in Mount Doom. The Fellowship forms, packing a team with humans, an elf, a dwarf, and the hobbits to do the job.
  • The Later Chapters: They try crossing a snowy mountain, fail, and go through the dark Moria mines instead. There, they fight orcs and a scary monster called a Balrog, which drags Gandalf down into the abyss.

Volume 2: The Two Towers

Book Three

  • The Early Chapters: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli chase the Orcs who nabbed Merry and Pippin. The hobbits escape, meet some ancient tree creatures called Ents, and plan some tree-based revenge.
  • The Later Chapters: The action switches to Rohan, where the remaining Fellowship members help fight off the bad guy Saruman’s forces. Also, Gandalf comes back leveled-up as Gandalf the White.

Book Four

  • The Early Chapters: Frodo and Sam, with their shady guide Gollum, keep moving towards Mordor. They have a nasty encounter with Shelob, a giant spider, in a tunnel.
  • The Later Chapters: Sam turns into a hero, fighting to save Frodo, who’s captured by orcs. Sam discovers Frodo’s still kicking and gears up for a rescue.

Volume 3: The Return of the King

Book Five

  • The Early Chapters: We’re back with Gandalf and others in Gondor’s capital, Minas Tirith, which is under siege. Pippin and Merry show their bravery in major battles.
  • The Later Chapters: Aragorn pulls a strategic move, marching to the Black Gate to distract Sauron, giving Frodo and Sam a shot to destroy the Ring.

Book Six

  • The Early Chapters: Frodo and Sam, totally drained, finally make it to Mount Doom. Gollum pops up again, fights for the Ring, and accidentally falls into the lava with it, destroying the Ring and himself.
  • The Later Chapters: The bad guys lose, and the hobbits head home. They find the Shire taken over by thugs, kick them out, and try to settle back into normal life.
  • The Final Chapter: Frodo can’t shake off his traumatic adventures and decides to leave Middle-earth with Gandalf and some other mystical folks, leaving Sam with their storybook.

And that’s the whirlwind tour of “The Lord of the Rings”! It’s an epic journey with tons of action, deep friendships, and some serious hiking.

