Gen AI in the Market: Who’s Using It and How It’s Shaping Business?

Akash Dolas
3 min readFeb 8, 2024



So, we’re talking about how Generative AI(Gen AI) is changing the game in customer service and the whole customer experience scene. Here are the stats as to what customers are expecting from Generative AI.

What We Found

Enhanced Customer Interactions

Loads of folks, more than three-quarters, think Generative AI is going to make talking to companies way cooler. And those who’ve already tried it? About 70% say they’re more likely to stick with brands that are on board with Gen AI.

It’s All About You

People can’t get enough of stuff made just for them. We’re talking 77% wanting videos that answer their exact questions, and 76% are all about getting special deals tailored to them. Plus, 61% dig when companies remember their past chats.

Keeping It Real

Trust in AI is pretty solid, with 73% of people feeling good about what Gen AI comes up with. But, 80% still want a human giving the thumbs up to what Gen AI’s doing.

Expecting the Best

Everyone’s looking at generative AI to find new info and get answers fast. They’re also into getting help 24/7 from Gen AI chatbots and scoring personalized tips.

Talking Your Language

Being able to chat in any language and getting the vibe of what customers are feeling are big wins for Gen AI.

Money Talks

CEOs are in the know; 75% say the best- Gen AI tech is going to set them apart. And hey, saving some cash by automating customer service? Yes, please.

What Customers Want?

Customers want experiences that keep up with their changing needs, with almost 66% expecting just that.

They’re also after quicker and more personalized service, and let’s not forget, top-notch customer service brings them back for more.

Who’s Using Gen AI?

Gen AI’s a hit in different places, with 73% of folks in India giving it a go, compared to 45% in the US. Millennials and Gen Z are leading the charge, making up 65% of Gen AI users.

Businesses Getting On Board

With 67% of IT leaders making Generative AI a top priority, and over half of marketers either using it or giving it a whirl, it’s clear businesses are getting serious about Gen AI.

Boosting Sales

Generative AI might even take over a fifth of what sales teams do now. Businesses diving into Gen AI are seeing their revenues jump by 3 to 15%.

Wrapping It Up

People are on the lookout for AI that gets them — offering personalized experiences, better chats, and help any time of the day. They trust Gen AI a lot, but they still want humans in the loop.

Gen AI is catching on big time with the young crowd in places like India. For businesses, jumping on the Gen AI train is not just cool — it’s smart, with real benefits to show for it.

Tips for Businesses

Make It Personal: Roll out Gen AI that knows how to treat each customer like they’re the only one.
Keep Humans in the Mix: Make sure there’s a human touch somewhere in the Gen AI journey to keep things real.
Speak Everyone’s Language: Go multilingual with your Gen AI to reach more people.
Be There for Your Customer: Use Gen AI to answer questions fast and offer advice that’s spot on.
Feel the Room: Let Gen AI help you get what your customers are feeling, so you can be there for them in the right way.

By syncing up what Gen AI can do with what people want, businesses are set to make everyone happier, stick around longer, and stand out from the crowd.

