Why Python is best for Data Science, Machine learning And Ai..?

Akash Gavhane
4 min readNov 20, 2022


Learning Python is Simple :

Python is a simple programming language that produces short, simple, and understandable code. In fact, Python is regarded by many developers as being the most user-friendly programming language. Python is a high level, open source, interpreted language which provides a great approach to object-oriented programming.

Due to the simplicity of language , building reliable AI and ML models and systems is very simple. Developers can completely concentrate on solving ML, AI, or data analytics problems without having to worry about the language’s technical features.

Quickly developing and easy-to-understand nature

Python supports quick development for developers, even those who join projects in the middle, can easily understand what is happening in the application or in a project. Python’s simplicity of reading and understanding makes it easy for developers to understand, modify, copy, or paste their code.

There are no misunderstandings, errors, or conceptual problems when using Python. Python allows for the exchange of algorithms, resources, and ideas among experts in AI, ML, and data analysis. Python code is easy and simple to optimize. Tools like IPython add some additional features that can help you improve your technique, such as testing, debugging, and tab completion.


Python is a flexible and powerful programming language that allows programmers the choice of using scripting or object-oriented programming (OOP). Python can be used in combination with other languages by developers to get the desired results, which reduces the chances of making mistakes. Python also reduce the requirement for source code recompilation, allowing results to be easily visible.

Python offers programmers the most creative freedom when building or creating similar applications because of its flexibility. For instance, Python offers straightforward frameworks like Keras to train ML models when building them. Then, ML models can be deployed and managed continuously via MLOps systems, ensuring model monitoring and management.

Community Assistance

Python is an open-source programming language, and because of that, it has a large and active developer community. In discussions, programmers can discuss their issues and cooperate with one another to develop solutions. Python communities are popular and wide, so programmers can generally find support across the world. As a result, when fixing problems in the development of AI, ML, and data analytics applications, professional assistance is always available.

Python.org, GitHub, and Stack Overflow are some of the most useful and active Python community organizations.

Libraries for AI, ML, and Data Analytics

Python is perfect for AI, ML, and data analytics applications.
There is a wide range of AI, ML, and data analytics libraries that are available for Python. The most well-known Python libraries for AI, ML, and data analytics are listed below:

Basic ML algorithms like clustering, regression, and classification are handled by Scikit-learn.

Pandas is a library that may be used to organise and perform complicated data analysis. It gives you the ability to combine and filter data and get information from other sources (such as Excel).

A deep learning framework is called Keras. It uses both the computer’s GPU and CPU, enable rapid computations and prototyping.

A tool for creating, training, and using artificial neural networks with big data sets is called TensorFlow.

A library for the Python programming language called NumPy was created expressly for data science calculations. It’s a superb Python multi-dimensional array object library that allows you to perform mathematical operations. Python and NumPy collaborate to make the software’s computations less difficult.

A Python library for data visualisation is called Matplotlib. It includes data exploration and Visualisation features that make it simple to make charts, scatter plots, and more. For quickly producing visual representations of data, Matplotlib makes it easier to modify data in Python AI applications.

The efficient functioning of AI applications is facilitated by additional Python libraries such as NLTK, PyBrain, Caffe, and others.

Helpful features of Python language:

The programs are easy to read because they use simple syntax.
Because the language is simple and easy to use, so the execution of programs is very fast and simple.

Python had a large standard library and extensive community support.
Python’s interactive mode makes it easy to test codes.

Python is a powerful language that could be combined into other applications to provide a customizable interface.

Python allows the developer to run the code on different platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX.

In a few categories, it is free software. The use, download, and addition of Python to applications are all free of charge.

