4 Signs of “Immaturity”

4 min readJun 19, 2020

“Some people are like trees, they take forever to grow”

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Have you ever meet a very immature person, who just acts like little kids all the time? Well, I have met a lot of them, and I have seen many things in common in all of them, which makes them immature.

In this post, I will share with you 4 of those common signs of immaturity.

Let's begin:

Photo by Elena Cordery on Unsplash

1. The most immature people think of themselves as most mature.

Immature people are very good at judging others without looking at their faults. They think of themselves as they know everything.

They even forget that they are also humans and no one can be perfect in this world.

On the other hand, mature people are more accepting than immature people, they don’t keep judging others at their mistakes.

They know that their point of view can also be wrong.

Photo by christian buehner on Unsplash

2. Reacting aggressively.

This is the most common sign of immaturity.

When they are faced with a difficult situation they start to go ballistic at others, yelling and reacting with anger right away, and this makes the situation more difficult and painful.

Immature people also get upset, about the things that they can’t control, for instance, if the weather is not good, they start to feel bad.

On the other hand, mature people accept what they can’t control and don’t get angry or upset at these little things

Photo by Noralí Emilio on Unsplash

3. Care about their looks too much.

Yes, immature people care about their looks more than they need.

They try to stay up to date with the latest fashion trends and the latest accessories, they don’t even look at what their parents have or what they have, they just want to buy that latest iPhone or the latest clothing collection. Because they care about their looks, about what others are thinking about them.

On the other hand, mature people don’t care about other people’s opinions, they just do what they feel good about they don’t seek attention.

Because they know that spending too much on clothing, footwear, and the latest accessories is worthless without inner beauty.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

4. Not thinking before leaping

This is also a major sign of immaturity.

Immature people don’t think before doing something that can have negative effects on them in the long run, they just go with the flow and do what they feel good about.

For instance, when an immature gets angry or frustrated they just start saying the negative things and start to make the other person feel low, they don’t think about the effects of their words or their behavior on the other person.

They never think that their ego can break the entire relationship.

On the other hand, mature people handle these type of situations much wisely, they first evaluate the entire situation completely before taking a step further, because they know that if they take a step without thinking about the consequences or the effect it will have on the people involved then, it will backfire on them in the long run.

The end

There are many other signs also, but in this post, I told you about the signs that have been seen in action by me, …… Live! You also can easily identify an immature person with these signs.

By the way, This is the first post I have written on medium.

I hope you liked the post. Give me a clap if you liked it.




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