Enum-erate Your Code in Python: Type Safely and Ditch the Magic Strings!

Akash Chauhan
5 min readApr 23, 2024


Let’s start with a basic example.

One of the simplest and most straightforward uses of enums is to represent constant values such as the days of the week. This can prevent errors that might occur from typos and provides an easy way to manage day-related logic.

from enum import Enum

class DayNumbers(int, Enum):

today = 6

if today == DayNumbers.FRIDAY:
print("It's time to plan for the weekend!")
class DayWords(str, Enum):
SUNDAY = "Sunday"
MONDAY = "Moday"
TUESDAY = "Tuesday"
WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday"
THURSDAY = "Thursday"
FRIDAY = "Friday"
SATURDAY = "Saturday"

today = "Friday"

if today == DayWords.FRIDAY:
print("It's time to plan for the weekend!")

Enums, short for enumerations, are a commonly used feature in modern programming languages. They allow for the definition of a variable that can only take on specific predefined values. The use of enums can greatly improve the readability, maintainability, and safety of code. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using enums, different scenarios where they are useful, and how they can be advantageous in team-based projects.

Understanding Enums

An enum is a special “class” that represents a group of constants, which are variables that cannot be changed. Enums are employed to define variables that are limited to a small set of possible values. For instance, days of the week, game states, or levels of verbosity in logging can all be expressed as enums.

Benefits of utilizing Enums

  1. Type Safety: Enums offer a way to define a specific set of valid values for a variable, reducing the likelihood of errors caused by assigning invalid values. This is because enum variables can only be assigned the predefined constants, preventing common mistakes like assigning incorrect strings or integers.
  2. Improved Code Clarity: Enums make code more readable. Using an enum constant like Day.SUNDAY is clearer than using a literal value such as 0 or “Sunday” when referring to a day of the week.
  3. Refactoring Safety: When enums are used, any changes made are localized. Adding a new constant to an enum will not impact its usage in other parts of the code. This makes refactoring and maintenance easier, as changes are less likely to break existing code.
  4. Effective Namespace Organization: Enums act as a namespace for the constants they hold, helping to organize the code. This prevents naming conflicts that could arise if the constants were defined as global constants.
  5. Behavioral Methods: Some programming languages, like Java, allow enums to have fields, methods, and constructors. This flexibility enables each constant to have behaviors, making enums more versatile than simple constants.

Drawbacks of Using Enums

  1. Memory Usage: Enums can consume more memory compared to regular constants like integers. Although this may be a concern in memory-constrained environments, in many scenarios, the difference is negligible.
  2. Limited Flexibility: In most languages, once an enum is created, it cannot be extended or inherited from. This lack of flexibility restricts their use in cases where there is a need for more dynamic and changeable sets of constants.
  3. Performance Considerations: Enums may introduce a slight performance overhead compared to primitive data types due to their object nature in certain languages. However, the impact is generally minimal and does not significantly affect the performance of most applications.

Common Use Cases

Enums are well-suited for situations where a variable should only have one of a limited set of possible values. Some common use cases include:

  1. State Management: Enums are particularly useful for representing state machines, where each state can be defined as an enum constant with its own associated behaviors.
  2. Option Sets: When dealing with configuration settings where only specific options are valid, enums provide a clear and concise way to represent these options.
  3. Categorization: Enums can effectively differentiate between various types, such as different types of requests, user roles, menu options, and more, making the code clearer and safer.

Benefits in Projects and Teams

When working in a collaborative setting, enums offer several conveniences:

  1. Consistency: Enums ensure that all team members use the same set of constants, reducing the chances of typographical errors and mismatched values.
  2. Ease of Use: Enums with associated methods can encapsulate functionality related to the values they represent, reducing duplication and keeping relevant code together.
  3. Documentation: Enums can be easily documented, and most integrated development environments (IDEs) will display this documentation when hovering over an enum value. This improves the developer experience and makes code easier to understand.
  4. Integration: In the development of application programming interfaces (APIs), enums can explicitly define the set of accepted values in endpoint documentation. This ensures clarity for API consumers regarding the expected values.

Some more examples…

Example 1: Handling States in a Game

Enums are great for managing states in applications such as games, where you might need to keep track of the current state of the game.

from enum import Enum, auto

class GameState(Enum):
PLAYING = auto()
PAUSED = auto()
ENDED = auto()

def update_game(state):
if state == GameState.PLAYING:
print("Game is in progress...")
elif state == GameState.PAUSED:
print("Game is paused. Press resume to continue...")
elif state == GameState.ENDED:
print("Game over. Try again?")
print("Initializing game...")

# Example of changing game states
current_state = GameState.INITIALIZING

current_state = GameState.PLAYING

Example 2: User Roles in a Web Application

Enums can also be used to manage user roles in an application, making code that checks user permissions more readable and less error-prone.

from enum import Enum

class UserRole(Enum):
ADMIN = "admin"
EDITOR = "editor"
GUEST = "guest"

def access_dashboard(user):
if user.role == UserRole.ADMIN:
print("Access granted to all features.")
elif user.role == UserRole.EDITOR:
print("Access granted to editorial features.")
print("Access restricted. Please contact your administrator.")

class User:
def __init__(self, name, role):
self.name = name
self.role = UserRole(role)

# Creating users with different roles
admin = User("Alice", "admin")
editor = User("Bob", "editor")
guest = User("Charlie", "guest")

# Checking access

In each of these examples, enums help to make the code clearer and safer by ensuring that only valid values are used, and they also encapsulate related logic that can be managed from a single place in the codebase. Enums also aid in avoiding magic numbers or strings scattered throughout the code, which can be a common source of bugs and confusion.

In Conclusion

Enums are a powerful tool that enhances code clarity, safety, and maintainability. Despite some limitations, such as potential memory overhead and limited flexibility, the benefits in terms of type safety and code clarity make enums invaluable in many coding scenarios, particularly in collaborative environments. Proper usage of enums can lead to cleaner, more reliable, and easily maintainable code, making them an essential component in any programmer’s toolkit.

