Node.js Tutorials Summary (Part-0)

Akash Jadhav
2 min readJun 4, 2019


Here is the brief summary of the total number of tutorials available and their end results.

1) Ubuntu operating system is used for the development of this tutorial.
2) Follow each step and go through its description to not only make your program running but also to understand it in detail.
3) All commands are to be executed on ‘terminal’. (Ubuntu terminal is used this below tutorial)
4) Link to code files on Github here -

  1. Setting up Node.js environment on Ubuntu (Part-1)
    Link -
    End result -
    At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to install complete node.js environment on Ubuntu machine.
  2. Getting started with Node.js (Part-2)
    Link -
    End result -
    At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to create and run a “Hello World” node.js program. Understand the working of each basic statement to make node.js program run.
  3. Simple node program (Part-3)
    Link -
    End result -
    At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to perform addition of two numbers program in node.js.
  4. Variables, Operators and Functions in Node.js (Part-4)
    Link -
    End result -
    In this tutorial, you will learn about different types of Variables in node.js, the arithmetic operators and the function declaration. You will be writing addition of two numbers program again but using functions.

To continue to the first tutorial follow the link below -

