Aspen Tree Eyes

Akashic Record Poetry
1 min readJul 22, 2019


The familiar flapping of Aspen Tree wings

fan & circulate, the Earth’s generous breathe.

We sink deeper into the sensation of now,

while reminded of a year ago.

Here, we find ourselves, again

and again

and again

and again.

The hummingbirds have returned again, as well.

Temptatiousiously sweet.

This year sugar water is Russian Roulette for foggy memories.

Aspen Tree Eyes, what have you seen?

I see your narrow smooth trunk with beige hue,

starkly contrasting your neighbor who stretches wide it’s dark rough skin.

A vivid complement to this land, your land.

Aspen Tree Wings, where are they coming from?

The shadows you dance with, fluttering without stop.

These shadows, an enigmatic pattern of your neighbors;

the inverse reflection of the land.

Now a golden hue reflects.

A golden-winged insect lands on my picnic blanket.

What is your name friend?

Where are your antennas guiding you?



Akashic Record Poetry

Tangential thought | poetic prose | double shot confessional stories | muddled with psycho spiritual reflections | salted on the rim with aesthetic realism.