What is ZigBee? How does it work?

Akash Kandhare
5 min readAug 30, 2019


Hello, Everyone, I am writing in this article about what is ZigBee? and how does it works? I’ll try to explain all the things in detail yet more clearly.

This article will cover:

  1. Introduction to ZigBee?
  2. The architecture of ZigBee Network and how it works?
  3. ZigBee Communication
  4. ZigBee Specification
  5. Application of ZigBee
  6. Advantages of ZigBee
  1. Introduction to ZigBee?

ZigBee is high-level communication protocols, basically based on IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers) 802.15.4 Standard. high-level communication protocols used to create a Personal area network with small, low-power digital radio, such as for home automation, medical device data collection, and other low-power low-bandwidth needs, designed for small scale projects which need wireless connection.

Fig-1.1 ZigBee 802.15.4 standard

Hence, ZigBee is a standards-based wireless technology developed to enable the low-cost, low-power wireless machine to machine M2M and the internet of things IoT networks. Its low power consumption limits transmission distances to 10–100 meters line-of-sight depending on power output and environmental characteristics. Zigbee devices can transmit data over long distances by passing data through a mesh network of intermediate devices to reach more distant ones.

2. The architecture of ZigBee Network and how it works?

Zigbee system structure consists of three different types of devices such as Zigbee Coordinator, Router and End device. Every Zigbee network must consist of at least one coordinator which acts as a root and bridge of the network.

Fig-2.1 ZigBee Structure

The coordinator is responsible for handling and storing the information while performing receiving and transmitting data operations. Zigbee routers act as intermediary devices that permit data to pass to and fro through them to other devices. End devices have limited functionality to communicate with the parent nodes such that the battery power is saved as shown in the figure. The number of routers, coordinators and end devices depends on the type of networks such as star, tree and mesh networks.

2.1. How it’s Protocol Architecture work?

Zigbee protocol architecture consists of a stack of various layers where IEEE 802.15.4 is defined by physical and MAC layers while this protocol is completed by accumulating Zigbee’s network and application layers.

Fig-2.1.1 ZigBee Protocol Architecture

Physical Layer: This layer does modulation and demodulation operations upon transmitting and receiving signals respectively. This layer’s frequency, data rate and number of channels are given below.

Fig-2.1.2 frequency, data rate, and channels

MAC Layer: This layer is responsible for reliable transmission of data by accessing different networks with the carrier sense multiple access collision avoidances (CSMA). This also transmits the beacon frames for synchronizing communication.

Network Layer: This layer takes care of all network-related operations such as network setup, end device connection, and disconnection to network, routing, device configurations, etc.

Application Support Sub-Layer: This layer enables the services necessary for Zigbee device object and application objects to interface with the network layers for data managing services. This layer is responsible for matching two devices according to their services and needs.

Application Framework: It provides two types of data services as a key-value pair and generic message services. The generic message is a developer-defined structure, whereas the key-value pair is used for getting attributes within the application objects. ZDO provides an interface between application objects and the APS layer in Zigbee devices. It is responsible for detecting, initiating and binding other devices to the network.

3. ZigBee Communication

It operates on IEEE 802.15.4 physical radio specification and operates even in the unlicensed band including 2.4 GHz, 900 MHz, and 868 MHz.

Fig-3.1 ZigBee Communication

Zigbee is a global wireless standard that enables simple and smart objects to work together. This interoperability multiple devices from different vendors working together to achieve a common goal are one of the biggest advantages of using the Zigbee protocol.

4. ZigBee Specification

Zigbee RF4CE is designed for simple, two-way device-to-device control applications that don’t need the full-featured mesh networking functionalities offered by the Zigbee specification.

Zigbee IP optimizes the standard for IPv6-based full wireless mesh networks, offering internet connections to control low-power, low-cost devices.

The Zigbee WPANs operate on 2.4 GHz, 900 MHz, and 868 MHz frequencies.

5. Applications of ZigBee

Fig-5.1 Application of ZigBee
  1. Industrial Automation: In producing and production industries, a communication link regularly monitors numerous parameters and important equipment. thus, ZigBee significantly cut back this communication price yet as optimizes the management method for bigger irresponsibleness.
  2. Home Automation: ZigBee is dead fitted to dominant home appliances remotely as a lighting system management, appliance management, heating, and cooling system management, safety instrumentation operations and management, police work, and so on.
  3. Smart Metering: ZigBee remote operations in good metering embody energy consumption response, evaluation support, security overpower larceny, etc.

6. Advantages of ZigBee

  • The ZigBee has a flexible network structure.
  • It has a very long battery life.
  • It is low power consumption.
  • It is easy to install.
  • It can be easily implemented.
  • It supports a large number of nodes i.e. 6500 nodes approximately.
  • It has a very low cost.
  • It is more reliable and self-healing

Conclusion: In this blog, we discussed what is Zigbee? Zigbee is a high-level communication protocol and that is used to create a personal area network.ZigBee networks will be designed and operate in many alternative and sometimes refined ways. generally, the precise means a given side of the network can operate is predicated on the manufacturer of the ZigBee chipset.

