Why Smart Work means Success: Shocking Reasons✔

Akash Majumder
6 min readDec 28, 2019


Astonishing reasons on How smart work beats hard work

1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 7 is called Hard Work.

1*7 = 7 is actually Smart work.

Right from childhood, you have been told the “the only way to achieve success is throughhard work”

but is it really the truth?

how many times have you heard terms like “hard work beats talent”

but, after reading this article you will probably laugh on quotations like this.

So how can I be so sure that hard is not the key to success? let’s look at some influential people's opinions on hard work.

Astonishing reasons on How smart work beats hard work

Abraham Lincoln is most famous for leading America during the American Civil War. He was a great leader as well as a person of immense intelligence and wisdom.

a person like him believes that whenever you are given an opportunity instead of jumping on it, first plan, analyze and sharpen your skill.

Clearly indicating the essence of “Smart work”.

Astonishing reasons on How smart work beats hard work

Conor Anthony McGregor is an Irish professional mixed martial artist and boxer. He is a former Ultimate Fighting Championship featherweight and lightweight champion. smart work is also his policy as he mentioned above.

why all these people are addressing smart work as the greatest strength?

what is smart work?

Smart work is putting the minimum effort which causes the maximum impact on the result. Hard work focuses on the quantity and efforts while smart work is mainly based on quality and planned approach to a respective goal.

let us take a better example

Astonishing reasons on How smart work beats hard work

Meet a man named Vilfredo Pareto who invented the 80/20 principle.

was an Italian engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist, and philosopher. He introduced the concept of Pareto efficiency and helped develop the field of microeconomics.

He was also the first to discover that income follows a Pareto distribution, which is a power-law probability distribution.

The Pareto principle was named after him, and it was built on observations of his such as that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by about 20% of the population.

in other words,80% of what you will get in life will be the result of 20% of the efforts you put.

“80% of results come from 20% of effort/time” — Vilfredo Pareto, Corso di economia politica

How to use the 80/20 principle?

as you have understood that 80% of the outcomes roughly comes from 20% of the efforts.

therefore, Engage yourself in finding things that are most important to you, giving you maximum happiness.

only 20% of the things around you are the most valuable one, which adds the most impact in your life, rest is a distraction.

Astonishing reasons on How smart work beats hard work

less time more results. apply the 80/20 rule in your life and audit your work every week for the best results.

Smart work vs Hard work

Most people believe that to get the most effort out of the thing, you need to put in more physical effort. But that is not true.

Have a good sleep, maintain a good tune with your body.

there was a study once done to understand our productivity. People who relax and take naps between their work are more productive than the people who keep working until they burnout.

Your brain needs time to recover and restore its power, restricting the allowance of relaxation in your brain can cause your productivity

work, as much as you can but only on the things that are important, don’t waste time on a task which can be postponed, delegated, or even eliminated.

work in a comfortable position.

test yourself again at the end of the day, by asking yourself:

“just how tired am I?.If I am tired, it is not because of the mental work I have done but because of the way I have done it”.

Why smart work is important?

have you ever noticed, some people just get what they want, things seem to come easy to them.

but, what you are seeing is only the half-truth.

they are massively productive and with productivity comes the principle of smart work.

an important resource like time must be utilized in a way that yields maximum outcomes, yet we fail and indulge ourselves into things that don’t add any values.

“smart is important” because it teaches you how to utilize time. Smart work helps your mind and body to remain in good shape resulting in the maximum effort out of you.

smart helps you to be organized and saves time.

Where can you use smart work?

let us take an example from a story, I call it the — “Mind game”

CASE 1: WORKING HARD: John visits the business owner.

  1. Offers his wide range of services to them.
  2. John loves to work for himself. He will do anything the customer wants. He is always willing to go the extra mile to keep his clients happy.
  3. John negotiates the price of his work to be around $30 per hour.
  4. He promises his client he will get everything done in about 100 hours of work and asks for a $1,000 down payment.
  5. John goes home and spends all his time working on the project.
  6. He goes to his client for revisions and agrees on any changes.
  7. John is proud of his customer-centric policy and will always do everything to keep his customers happy and satisfied.
  8. In the end, John undervalues the time the project consumed, but he continually reaches awesome customer reviews which keep him in business.

CASE 2: WORKING SMART: Jack visits the business owner

  1. And offers three regular options to his clients: the starter package for $1,500, the intermediate for $2,000 and the enterprise for $3,500
  2. Jack sells his pre-designed templates for each of the three packages. When his client picks the package, they know exactly what they will receive.
  3. The client selects a package, and Jack asks for 50% upfront.
  4. Jack goes to his team of freelancers and instructs them on the details of the job.
  5. His team works on customizing the templates and delivers the job to john.
  6. John pays his team with the 50% upfront money.
  7. In the end, Jack delivers precisely what the client expected.
  8. He delivers the job at the right time.
  9. While John’s team was working on the website, he was selling to more customers.
  10. Jack refuses to do any custom-jobs. When his clients demand custom jobs, he calls john, gets a referral fee, and walks away.

There’s no way to work smart if you don’t STOP TO THINK!

I think hard work without being smart results in a waste of time and energy.

we may do hard work, drain our energy and give a certain outcome and the same outcome could be achieved by doing the same work in a smart way

How can I be a smart worker?

the only simple thing you have to do is declutter and eliminate the things that you don’t need and focus on only the most important one.

smart work comes with keeping things simple, you really need a few things to keep you inspired and motivated.

So, give time to things which are your priority.

here are the steps that can help you to be a smart worker.

  1. Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to immediate problems in hand
  2. Do things in the order of their importance.
  3. When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision. Don’t keep putting off the decision.
  4. learn to organize, deputized, and supervise.

Smart work: When you give priority to your mental ability more than physical ability.

what are your views on smart work? how did you like the “Mind game” story?

let me know some more techniques for smart work.

