How becoming financially independent, at an early age gets you closer to your dreams

Akash Nigam
6 min readFeb 25, 2020


In our society where career enlightenment comes very late for a student due to mob mentality; after spending their parent’s money in school and college when they come across the work they really want to pursue in their life; then to repay the money invested on them( not required, as it is too early!) and not to disturb their family’s so-called balance, they decided to live in the same condition by killing their dreams.

Let be honest and answer this: Even if you are both intellectually and mentally strong; then what’s the next thing you need to achieve your dreams?. The answer is undoubtedly money. If you have the skill, then you have to test it at various places and platforms or if you have an interest in a field, then to build a proper skillset you need to learn it; both cases require a handsome amount of money to start with.

Without having a burning desire to achieve something bigger, earning money will not be powerful in the first place

Coming out from your comfort zone
  • There is no one in this world who doesn’t like to live in a comfort zone; after getting average schooling, and following mob mentality for your career; it ends up becoming someone you are not. In India, where the majority of people fall under the comfort zone either by their choice or by their parent’s “safe and secure life” approach; when even try to reach fear zone get affected by other’s opinion and low self-confidence( which start to build when you start taking steps).
  • Here, most parents are making their children depend on them rather than making them independent and take decisions on their own; and after introspection when you start to explore, your hands will be handcuffed by their responsibilities and unknown money returning policy.
  • And if by chance you understand all this at an early age, and follow your heart then more than anything you want money to start things up; where it would be difficult for your parents after spending their money on your school and college to pay from starting for your new(or real) passion.
  • The solution of this is, as you are not confident and have no real experience in the field, so along with your academics you need to find ways to earn money, which you can put on your skill and getting experienced day by day.
  • In the long run, the experience is something which differentiates you from others; and in case if you are not satisfied with your work you can change it and start working on others, and having academics always the last option for you.
  • Where others at 30, still figuring out what to do; you have the advantage to try different skills and have a good enough experience on them.

After 18, you need to start thinking about it

My life my choices
  • In our country at an early age, we have to decide our interest area where most of the students are not prepared for it; but with proper intellectual and financial knowledge on the field, one can start working on it and excel at it.
  • Although maturity comes late in our society; where after graduation and even after serving for the company for years; an individual is confused with why he/she is doing all this.
  • Here, where proper guidance( viz. not counting merits of your work and demerits of others or telling society is extremely competitive if you choose the other way, other than this; first become neutral with the topic and tell the truth and if you don’t have knowledge then say no and guide to someone who is intellectually strong in that field, which is mostly lack in our parents) comes into action which can totally transform the future of a kid.
  • How you can help a kid before turning 18 and started taking life’s critical life decisions is subtly explained by Josh Shipp in this video
  • Remember, “Actions always speak louder than words”; if you are someone who is still confused about what to start with, or don’t have anyone to guide you; then leave everything aside, follow your heart and take your own decisions before others started taking it for you.

Take actions, when you started feeling bad about taking money from your parents

  • When you are in college, then as you become mature; started thinking how much effort your parents put in; to make your needs met and what you can do for them; this is a great feeling but most people buried this in the next moment by saying: “After completing the degree I will repay it to my parents.”
  • As your leisure will never be going to stop, instead of pushing it to future why not start earning from right now; in any possible way, and make your parents proud.
  • Money is not something which they want from you; they want you to be responsible and have a secure future. So, put your efforts on following your omens and taking actions.

This makes you mature, and let you know the power and value of money in the workplace

Power and value of money
  • When you are not working, you always criticize the system and its working; but once you enter into it and understand the reason for its mediocrity, mediocrity exists because deadlines are there and how money can be a great tool in making or destroying anything.
  • Many of us state that: I want to be financially independent but right now I’m busy with something else, for e.g. an event in my house/college, waiting for conditions to become favorable, etc after getting free I’ll start working on it; remember without you, no event will stop and there is never a wrong time to do the right thing; everything takes place, it’s a matter of priority that an event or a particular time is important for you or your financial independence.
  • Money gives you power, and with great power comes great responsibilities; becoming responsible and face this merciless society is not everyone’s cup of tea. So, if you want to become financial independence just for saying then keep your steps back.
  • Whenever you want some extra money from your parents, then you think that it’s not a big deal for them to arrange an extra 500/1000 bucks; maybe you are right but like energy, money also remains conserved; if they are giving you extra money then definitely from somewhere they have to withdraw it and make your leisure/reason a priority.
  • When you start earning, you learn how to sacrifice your work to make other work done and this makes you mature; by deciding priorities in our life and have self-control on our leisures.
  • From joining a singing class to a dance club, money for a startup to start a youtube channel; every field needs money in the first place, as everything has its value; along with your time/hard work, money is a prerequisite to acquiring a proper skillset. So, before telling your parents that you finally want to pursue it, make some earning, have some experience and then make it your full-time job.

Various sources available, you just need to get started

  • Lesson by Lou Holtz’s parents: Life is a matter of choices you make; wherever you are, good or bad, it’s because of choices you made. Don’t blame anybody else, if you get an education and you are willing to work and overcome difficulties then in this great country you can amount to something.
  • “Where there is a will there is a way”, just by typing “Part-time job after school/college” on Google/Youtube/Quora/LinkedIn/Indeed you will get numerous options, the problem will arise when you start to differentiate between big and small work and keep your imaginary worth above worth of your skills.
  • You always know better about your skills, strengths/weaknesses than anyone else; if you feel like you are good at something and put it forward then start working on it without thinking twice, there is always a value for your hard work and commitment.



Akash Nigam

Common boy with some uncommon dreams. Always ready to challenge societies so-called “rituals”. Something big can’t be achieved without having critical thinking.