Can Kundali Matching Tell How the spouse would be with my family.

4 min readJun 28, 2019


A girl is on the threshold of marriage. The horoscope is being matched by doing a Kundali reading for marriage. At such times, the parents of the girl and also the girl would be interested in knowing about how the relationship of the girl would be with the in-laws side of the family. The girl would want to know the nature of mother-in-law, father-in-law and sister-in-law or brother-in-law.

Let’s have a look at how we can get an insight into how the relationship would be as per date of birth se Kundali Milan.

In astrology, the 7th House is studied and analysed for the spouse that is either Husband or Wife. In the female’s horoscope, a study of Jupiter is also done as it is considered for the Husband.


In the male’s horoscope, 10th House which is 4th from the 7th House (wife) is the House of her Mother and is analysed for the wife’s mother. In the female’s horoscope, Jupiter is the husband so the 4thHouse from Jupiter is analysed for the husband’s mother. Thus, in this manner, we can get more than one different planets. The planets considered would be the planets in the 10th House, the Lord of the 10th House, 4th House from Jupiter and the Lord of the 4th House from Jupiter.

Here, we see that many planets have to be considered for the mother-in-law and see which the most powerful planet is. The planet which has most influence is the ruling planet of the mother-in-law. If the House has its own Lord or a friendly planet in it, the Mother-in-law would be a very considerate person and very loving and affectionate if Moon is the planet in the House. If it is just an ordinary friendly planet, the Mother-in-law might be a little ordering by nature.


In a male’s horoscope, the 7th place is the wife and the 10th place from the wife is her father as from ascendant, 10th House is studied for your father. Thus, if we count, 4th House will be the male’s father-in-law. In the female’s horoscope, Jupiter represents the husband so the 10th House from Jupiter will be studied for the husband’s father. Thus, in this manner, we can get more than one different planets.The planets considered would be the planets in the4th House, the Lord of the 4th House, 10th House from Jupiter and the Lord of the 10th House from Jupiter.

On checking the different planets, the most powerful or weakest planet for father-in-law can be determined.


From ascendant, 3rd House is of your brother or sister. From the 7th House which is the house of the spouse, the 3rd House that is the 9th House of the Horoscope, is analysed for the brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

If Jupiter is present in the horoscope, from that place we count the 3rd House and that is analysed for the brother-in-law or sister-in-law. This depends on placement of Jupiter so there are only two positions from where we can study the brother-in-law or the sister-in-law. A cruel planet like Rahu or Mars in the 9th House indicates arguments with the brothers or sisters of the spouse. Planets which are friendly like Jupiter, Moon or Venus show a friendly relation with the brothers or sisters of the spouse.

Let’s see the functional relationship of the Houses.

Ø If the House Lords are in a weak House from the individual’s Lagna, then

a. There may be troubled relationship with them.

b. They will create troubles in the individual’s life.

c. The individual would create troubles in their life.

d. They could have difficulties in their life once the marriage takes place.

Eg. If the 3rd House Lord is placed in the weak 8th House for the individual, then the individual might have difficult relations with father-in-law, or individual may be affected by father-in-law, or father-in-law may cause difficulties in the life of the individual, or father-in-law could face difficulties in either career, finances, health or personal life once.

Ø The House that is mentioned should be treated as the ascendant, and then the Horoscope reading done from the individual’s horoscope as per date of birth se Kundali Milan. This would let us understand the nature, character, lifestyle and financial strength of the Mother-in-law.

To know more about marriage astrology, feel free to contact our expert astrologers associated with our website.

