Compatibility Issues In Your Marriage? — Astrology And Counselling Can Do Wonders

4 min readAug 24, 2018


Marriage compatibility Issue

Have your ever wondered about the deeper reasons why compatibility levels with your spouse are so low?

The general reasons we believe are due to personality mismatches and difference in each other’s nature, tastes and outlook on life. However, there are many happy marriages that work inspite of such differences.

Indian culture and tradition believes that factors such as parentage, religious beliefs, upbringing, education, financial condition and value system contribute significantly in the creation of each individual’s personality. Chances of compatibility between two people are very high when these core factors are more or less equal with both individuals. This is the reason why our forefathers had realized the importance of giving due respect and weightage to the logical and scientific calculations of matchmaking.

It is seen often that falling in love happens due to sheer chemistry and infatuation with someone’s personality, however, living a life in commitment to each other is a totally different aspect. No matter how sincerely you may be ready to adjust and compromise, compatibility issues raise its ugly head at every step as you start living together.

Marriage is a lifelong relationship where couples are like two wheels of a vehicle or two wings of a bird. Both have to be in sync for harmony. An issue with one affects the other, and can completely alter their experience of day to day life. A miserable marriage is one of the hardest things in life giving you constant grief.

Astrology is a time-tested science of ancient vedic wisdom, which can help you decide on compatibility before marriage through marriage prediction or help you in case you are already married and having relationship issues.

How does astrology determine compatibility?

Astrological compatibility is the term given to the study of two horoscopes in order to assess the possibility of a good match. It is a vital tool to understand the strengths & weaknesses of an alliance and determine the long term prospects of a partnership.

The below steps are taken to clearly define the areas of compatibility & incompatibility between two individuals

  • The charts are studied and the Ashtkoot System is used to match the ‘Gunas’ of the couple.
  • A minimum of 18 gunas should match out of the total 36 for compatibility between the partners.
  • Systems and charts are used to offer highly accurate analysis. Dashas (various planetary phases) are also assessed which gives a broader perspective of how and when the life events will unfold for both the partners. Their element, quality, and moon sign characteristics are also considered in order to make sure that their temperaments are not opposed to each other.

What relationship questions can astrology answer after horoscope analysis?

Astrology being a science can calculate with precision the answers to some of the questions below, that otherwise people tend to leave to chance and fate! It can answer questions like:

  • Can we enjoy overall happiness through this marriage?
  • Do we think alike? Would we be able to agree on key issues?
  • Will we enjoy and sustain physical interest and attraction towards each other?
  • Will this be a lucky match and a fortunate association for us, In terms of finances, career and wealth accumulation
  • Can we be sure of longevity of life of each other? How would be our overall health?
  • Are there any important phases (dashas/yogas) in each other’s horoscopes that affect the other positively or negatively?
  • Will we be able to have children and enjoy happiness with them?

Already married and have compatibility issues? Here’s what astrology can do for you?

  • Suggest Remedies: An expert astrologer can study the placement of the weak and strong planets, their good and bad effects and suggest remedies. He or she can try to alter the natural effects of planets with remedies such as wearing specific gemstones (which use electromagnetic radiations), mantras. (which use sound vibrations) and yantras (which use geometrical and mathematical shapes). Various poojas and beneficial steps to propitiate the planets can also be recommended. These remedies can help to alter negative effects and make positive changes happen.

These are all practical parameters, and one should take advantage of the wisdom of ancient sciences which were formulated by the ancient sages who were highly advanced in their thinking and aligned to the Supreme energy.

  • Explain reason and timeline of conflict: It is wise to analyse the planetary positions in the chart of the couples to explain reasons for the conflict in the relationship. Astrology can help us understand why a person maybe displaying a certain behavior and overall effects of the particular phase. It can give a timeline as to how long this would last, and when a new phase can start.
  • Tone down harmful effects: Couples can feel empowered and benefit from these astrological remedies to remove the weaknesses in the partnership, make a cooperated effort to tone down the harmful effects of the planets and go through the phases smoothly.

Role of Counselling

Those who opt for a combination of astrology and counselling start from the kundali matching by date of birth and end up with very high chances of saving the relationship. Counselling gives couples the chance to communicate in a safe and no-judgmental environment. They learn to value each other, forgive past hurts and also see why the relationship is worth saving. The combination of insights and remedies from the ancient science of astrology along with counselling sessions gives practical and valuable guidance to couples to overcome any relationship challenge.

