How astrologer can tell you what is the good time to conceive a child and what are benefits to ask astrology about child and pregnancy.

5 min readNov 18, 2019

The ultimate aim of a couple of a marriage is to give birth to a healthy child. There are times when the couple is not able to give birth to a child in spite of not having any medical problem at all. In such situations, the couple would turn to an astrologer to get their birth horoscopes studied for a good time for conception of a child birth.

The first Sanskara of Shodashasamskaras is the Garbhadanasamskara. The GarbhadanaMuhuratis a pre-planned family affair. The above GarbhadhanMuhurtais a wonderful concept where one can have a really virtuous and blessed child with proper planning. There are certain rules that have been prescribed in the Shastras for GarbhadanMuhurta.

This Garbhadansamskara ensures that conception instead of being an accident is a pre-planned affair at an auspicious time with religious purity when husband and wife meet with a definite object of having progeny. This Garbhadansamskara is said to remove all impurities related to conception and reproductive system of female so as to ensure the birth of child who is healthy.

· Time — The conception should be done between 4th and 16th Night from the day of Menstruation of the female. Conception on Even nights 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th,12th, 14th, 16th is said to give birth to a male child and Odd nights 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th is said to give birth to a female child. There are many other factors involved apart from the promise of child birth in Child birth horoscope of the couple. Conception on 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th and 16th nights is considered to be very auspicious.

· Nakshatras — The nakshatrasconsidered good for conception are all fixed nakshatras (Uttara-phalguni, Uttara-shada, Uttara-bhadrapada and Rohini), Mrigshira, Anuradha, Hastha, Swati, Dhanistha and shatabhisha are also considered as goodnakshatras. All aggressive nakshatras and teekshnanakshatras are to be avoided for Garbhadansamskara (Poorva-phalguni, Poorva-shadha, Poorva-bhadrapada, Bharni, Magha, Moola, Jyestha, Ardra, Ashlesha, Krittika, Revati). Other nakshatras are considered to be medium.

· Tithis — 1,3,5,7,10,12,13 are considered to be the besttithis. Rikthatithis 4,9,14 are not good and to be avoided. 6,8,11 should also be avoided as they too are not considered as good. Amavasya and pournima should also be avoidedfor Garbhadansamskara.

· Days — Days of benefics that are considered good are Friday, Thursday, Wednesday and Monday is considered to be medium or good in shuklapaksha.

· Lagna — For conception lagna should have benefics in kendra and trikonas and malefics in upachaya houses. Lagna should be in aspect with Male planets like the Sun, Mars and Jupiter. Moon should also be in the odd navamsha.

· Chandra bala for both male and female has to be checked in the horoscopes.

· There is a related sub-ceremony known as “nisheka” or first coitus should be done on benefic days, benefictithis in Rohini, Mrigshira, Pushya, Hastha, Uttara-bhadrapada and RevatinakshatraThe first 3 hours of night should be avoided and should be in a cheerful mood and friendly disposition.

For those who are not experts in astrology, simple formula for having a child who is dutiful, virtuous and intelligent is to try for Garbhadankeeping in mind that :

a) The constellations (Nakshatras) Shravana, Rohini, Anuradha, Swati, Revati, Moola, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad, Shatbhisha are considered to be highly favourable for nuptials.

b) The constellations Pushya, Dhanishta, Mrigshira, Ashwini, Chitra, Punarvasu are considered to be ordinary.

c) The rest of the constellations are not to be considered.

d) At the time of nuptials, no planet should be positioned in the 8th house.

For an expert in astrology, the Ashtavarga system should be used for finer results. The Ashtakvarga system needs that the date which is chosen by the couple for nuptials should confirm to the following set of conditions simultaneously:

a) Jupiter should have minimum 4 auspicious points on the day of the Garbhadaanmuhurta, in his own Ashtakvarga.

b) Jupiter should be in a kakshya of such lord who contributes to these auspicious points.

c) The lord of the kakshya for Jupiter should neither be an enemy (“Shatru”) nor a bitter enemy (Adhi-shatru) to it. It is better if the lord of the kakshya is best friend (“Adhimitra”) of Jupiter.

d) The total sum of auspicious points for all seven planets, on the required dateof the Garbhadaanmuhurta, should be more than 30.

e) If a male child is desired by the couple, Jupiter should be positioned in a kakshya of a male planet which are Jupiter, Mars and the Sun.

f) If a female child is desired by the couple, Jupiter should be positioned in a kakshya of a female planet which are Venus and Moon.

g) If Jupiter is positioned in the kakshya of Mercury or Saturn, those dates should be avoided as those two planets are considered to be eunuchs.

h) Jupiter should be in transit in a sign which is strong in native’s Sarvaashtakvarga.

i) Sun should be in transit in a sign that has the highest auspicious points in Jupiter’s Ashtakvarga

j) For precise timing on the chosen day, sexual intercourse should be done during the period, when the sign that is rising contains the highest number of auspicious points in Jupiter’s Ashtakvarga then it is said thatconception is most likely to take place at this time.

k) One should also use “Chaughadiamuhurtas” for ascertaining auspicious intra-day timings. If the efforts for conception take place on a good “Chaughadiamuhurta” on the chosen date of the Garbhadaanmuhurta, especially the “Amritchaughadia”, then it would ensure the well-being of the foetus during pregnancy.

As astrology is the study of the position of the planets and their houses at the time of birth of an individual, it is very easy to predict the child birth and any problems related to child birth with the study of the CHild birth horoscopes of both the male and female and also there are astrological remedies available for appeasing the planets. Thus, it is beneficial to ask astrology about child and pregnancy.

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