How child and pregnancy astrology Works. Not able to conceive, Can astrology help in this matter. Reasons and Remedies for Miscarriages.

10 min readAug 26, 2019


Marriage is deemed to be complete after a child is born to the couple. Giving birth to a child helps in keeping the family legacy going on. The birth of a child to a married couple brings about immense joy to them and their entire life will revolve around rearing the child into a human being having good values in life. Still, at times there may be some couples who are not able to beget any progeny.

Child and pregnancy prediction is a part of Vedic astrology which helps foretell if the couple will be able to beget progeny or not. The horoscopes of both the partners need to be studied to predict child birth from horoscope. Also, there are astrological remedies for child birth problems in spite of no medical problems being found.

The most likely question by a female would be when I will get pregnant. While studying the pregnancy prediction horoscope, the 5th House is the most important House related to children.

Let’s have a look at the various Houses which are considered important for pregnancy.

1st House : When a woman needs to become pregnant, she should be in good health and if there is some bad effects on ascendant or ascendant lord it may affect the health of the woman. A strong ascendant indicates good health and a strong desire to achieve something in the horoscope of the woman.

2nd House:This House needs to be analysed as it signifies family.

9th House:The 9th House and its Lord are also important for getting pregnant or child birth as it the 5thHouse from the 5th House of the horoscope. The planet Jupiter is a karaka planet for child birth as it is beneficial with some special advantages of child birth in a horoscope. So, Jupiter should be positioned well without any malefic influence of other malefic planets.

7th House:This House along with its Lord is also responsible for child birth as it tells about the spouse of the individual in the horoscope. The sexual activities and desire of love, the ill effects of malefic planets or the involvement of Saturn on Mercury with this House could give impotency to the manor woman. If there is satisfaction in sexual intercourse, it can help a woman to get pregnant soon.

8th House:This House of the horoscope belongs to the sexual parts of both the male and the female. Ill effects of malefic planets like Saturn, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu on the 8th House or the Lord of the 8th House may decrease the working capacity of sexual parts and may give impotency which is also a reason for not being able to get pregnant easily.

11th House:Whenthe 11th house is along with the 2nd and or 5th housesit signifies gain of children.

5th House: This House is mainly considered for child birth and pregnancy. Malefics such as Rahu, Ketu and Saturn should not be in aspect with or present in the 5th house. If this House or the 5th House Lord is not strong and positioned well or affected by malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, it could lead to problems in getting pregnant and in childbirth. The Lord of the 5th house should not be placed in 6th, 8th and 12th houses.Mars should not be the Lord of the 5th house.Jupiter in aspect with the 5th house is considered as extremely beneficial for childbirth. Positioning of the Lord of the 5th house in the 1st house and vice versa promotes childbirth.Planets positioned in the 5th house must be situated in the Nakshatras of planets that signify the combinations of childbirth.

It is interesting to know that some of the signs in the 5th house are considered as “Fertile Signs”, some as “Infertile Signs” and some as “Indecisive Signs” as far as pregnancy and childbirth are concerned.

Fertile Signs:

· Cancer

· Scorpio

· Pisces

Infertile Signs:

· Aries

· Gemini

· Leo

· Virgo

Indecisive Signs:

· Taurus

· Libra

· Sagittarius

· Capricorn

· Aquarius

Here, it should be noted that the influence of 1st, 4th and 10th houses by planets indicate that the individual is not likely to have a child. Thus, in the horoscopes of both the husband & wife, all planets have to be analysed for their results based on a number of factors such as:

· The placement in the various houses

· TheLords of the houses

· The aspects that the planets are casting and the aspects that are being casted on them

· The conjunction of the planets with other planets

· The Nakshatras that the planets are in and much more

The facts and factors that need to be considered and analysed to discover the possibilities of pregnancy, predicting the time of pregnancy, and solutions to various relevant problems are:

· The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses of the natal chart

· The location, nature, and capabilities of the Lord of all of the above houses

· The planets Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter should be in aspect with the above houses or the individual lords of these houses, or transit over the houses/lords.

· The Moon should be near or transit the 1st, 5th, or 9th houses/lords.

· In the male horoscope, the position and status of the planets Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars must be favourable.

· In the female horoscope, the planetsMoon, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars should be well-placed and beneficial.

· The 5thhouse or its lord should have anyone or more of the Zodiac Signs namely Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Gemini, or Aquarius

· And alsothere are other astrological factors that need to be favourable.

Position of planets situated in a child prediction Kundali would help determine whether the individualwould be able to attain the pleasure of a child or not. Yogas are combinations of planets formed in a Child prediction horoscope are based on certain vedic rules and principles. Here, we will try to elaborate these principles through some examples.

· If the 5th house Lord forms the Lagna or the Moon-ascendant is well positioned and Jupiter is in a good position then you will have happiness from children.

· If Jupiter is in a strong position and the lord of the Lagna is in the 5th house then it is a combination that gives an obedient child.

· As perVedic astrology, it is believed that if the lord of the fifth house is in its own sign and in aspect with an inauspicious planet or sukhesh or bhagyesh then it is supposed to be an auspicious position for a birth of a child.

· A strong Panchmesh situated in the Lagna, fifth, seventh or ninth house in a kundali and not being afflicted by a malefic planet, then the individual will be blessed with a child.

· It is also believed that if the lord of the Lagna is in the fifth house and Jupiter is strong in a horoscope then the child born to anindividual will be considered to be a Karak.

· Anyone of the planets Mercury, Venus or Moon is present in the Ekadash then it gives the pleasure of a child. Also, if Aries, Taurus or Cancer is positioned in the fifth house then also the individual will be blessed with a child.

· Lagnesh or Navmesha present in the seventh house or in exalted sign of the horoscope are considered auspicious for childbirth. Similarly, Jupiter in aspect with Lagnesha also gives fruitful results.

· Lords of Kendra forming a Trikon are considered an auspicious Yoga for a child birth. Similarly, Jupiter, Venus or Panchamesha in the ninth house also would give fruitful results.

· If fifth house from the Lagna lies in the category of Venus and Moon and is in aspect with them then the individual is blessed with more than one child. But, if there is aspect or conjunction of malefic or inauspicious planet in this situation it may create problems for the individual.

· A child is born to anindividual when panchmesh and lagnesh lies in the category of male planets and in aspected with them. The results are also beneficial when the Panchmesh is in conjunct with Rahu during the Antar-dasha of Rahu.

· If Taurus, Leo or Scorpio ispositioned in the fifth house along with the Sun, while Saturn and Mars are placed in the eighth house and ascendant house respectively, then the joy of the parenthood get delayed.

· Similarly, when Rahu is positioned in the 11th house and the 5th house has no planet the person will have a child but after some delay. Also, if Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio signs are placed along with the Sun in the 5th house or Saturn in positioned in the 8th house and Mars is placed in the Lagna then childbirth gets delayed.

· As the fifth house is known as the house of children it is considered important for determining the child’s birth. The planet Jupiter is the karaka of the fifth house that provides the pleasure of child, respect and wisdom. Thus, the fifth house is specifically used for determining the birth of a child. Anindividualhaving an inauspicious fifth house may be deprived of having a child.

· Parivartan yoga between panchmesha and ashtamesha is considered to be an inauspicious yoga for childbirth. This yoga can have significant effect on ancestral property entitled to the child of the individual. He would not feel satisfied with his own accomplishments. The health of the individual is severely affected with this Yoga.

Complications arisingfor Pregnancy as per Vedic Astrology

· Childbirth to be done Surgery:

Suppose a female’s horoscope has an ill positioned Mars and the planet Mars is in operation at the Dasha or Antardasha level or is in aspect with the 5th house as per movement in Transit, and then the childbirth would have to take place through surgery.

· Miscarriage:

As per a female’s horoscope if the planets Saturn or Rahu or Ketu giving the results of 1st , 4th and 10th houses are in operation in Dasha or Antardasha during pregnancy, they may cause Miscarriages in the female. Such planets in transit over 2nd, 5th and 11th houses are also considered to be bad for pregnancy.

· Mishaps:

Malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars positionedin the 5th house would create chances of mishaps during pregnancy.

· Stillbirth:

When the Dasha of Saturn is in operation at the time of delivery in the life of a female and provided that Saturn is “signifying bad houses”, then there is an increase in the chances of still birth.

Balancing of Horoscopes

· If any one of the partners have any negative characteristics present in the Horoscope or Kundali, then the other one should have a positive Horoscope or Child prediction horoscopeso that there could be some hope of eventually balancing out the horoscopes for a positive end result.

Remedies for Miscarriages

· The Santaangopalstrotra path should be done consistently in front of the ladoogopal or Lord Balkrishna(child form of Lord Krishna) photo or idol. The gopalstotrayantra has to be worn by the couple. It is also advised that the harivanshpuraan path should be done by the couple. If either one of the partners is overweight, then weight needs to be decreased by watching the eating habits of the individual. The individual should also resort to exercise but more attention should be given to eating healthy food and junk food has to be strictly avoided. A “bichhughaas” rootshould be worn around the neck in a dark string so that it will lessen the ni-santaandosha of the couple. This helps in conception of child.

· Lord Shiva is one of the gods that should be revered to bring forth a child into this world when there are problems of conception as per Child and pregnancy prediction horoscope. A unique cure that is doneduring the month of Shravan (around about the month of August)would be totake a sfatik or precious stone or parad or mercury shivling on a Monday and establish it; regularly do abhishek with cow’s or buffalo’s milk together with your partner in the following way. Pour a drop of milk on the shivling and say “Om namahshivay”, then pourthe next drop and say the mantra again. Keep doing this and chanting the mantra for 108 x 5 that is 540 times. Along with this, likewise offer “dhatura” to Lord Shiva. This cure will definitelygive you some assistance while getting gifts from Lord Shiva in the form ofgiving birth to a child.

· Anindividual should give ablutions with water to Lord Surya and feed the cow with green grass. Immediately after conceiving, the pregnant lady should apply a little bit of saffron (kesar) around her navel (nabhi) for 43 days continuously. Just dip a wet finger in the saffron and apply around her navel. This helps thefemale who is prone to miscarriage.

· GarbharakshambikaMantra is a mantra for women to chant when they are pregnant. This mantra is a prayer for protecting the womb i.e. to save the pregnancy and not have miscarriage

· Garbharakshambika Mantra.

Namo Devyai Maha Devyai Durgaayai Satatam Namaha |
Putra Sowkhyam Dehidehi Garbharakshaam Kurushvanaha ||

· People having difficulty in begetting children should recite the mantra of Sanatana Gopala and worship Ladooo Gopal or Lord Balkrishna (child form of Lord Krishna) regularly.

· Sanatana Gopala Mantra

· “Om devkisut govind vasudev jagatpite
Dehi ye taney Krishna tawamahem sharanam gata”

· If apprehensive about the delivery being painful, complicated or may need a caesarean operation, the pregnant lady before leaving for the hospital should keep a little barley in a bottle filled with water and worship it. After safe delivery of the female, both the bottle of water and barley should be immersed in a river or in flowing water.

· The remedy given below as per child prediction by date of birth in astrology is to prevent miscarriages and abortions.

Just before the child is born, milk and khandsari sugar (a variety of brown coloured sugar that is produced in India) should be taken in equal quantities in two vessels. The lady who is pregnant has to touch both the vessels with her hands. Then, both the vessels have to be covered by tying a cloth and kept inside the house. After the child is born, both the vessels should be given in donation to a temple or any other religious place.

For child prediction horoscope, do get in touch with our expert astrologers.

