Important planets and combination that astrologers see in each ascendant sign for making marriage prediction.

5 min readNov 5, 2019


First we have to see what the Ascendant sign is in Vedic astrology. The sun rising in the East at the time of the birth of an individual at a specific time is known as the Ascendant and also is the first sign of the birth horoscope.

We will look at the important combination for planets in each ascendant sign for marriage prediction.

Aries Ascendant :For Aries ascendant the 2nd house Lord is the planet Venus. When the Lord of the 2nd house is placed in the 7th house which is Libra it means that Venus is in its own sign and in the house of Maraka. As the 7th house is Maraka, there can be a delay in marriage so will be the delay in accumulating wealth and fortune.Suppose if the Lord of the 8th house Mars is placed in 8th house itself, which is Scorpio then the individual would have moderate gains after marriage.Depending on placement of Venus in the chart, they are lucky in love matters and get success and prosperity after marriage if Venus is placed favourably in their chart.

Taurus Ascendant : For Taurus ascendant, if the Lord of the 2nd house which is Mercury placed in the Scorpio, the 7th house then the outcome would be neutral. There is one exception that Mercury if placed in the Jyeshta nakshatra, then the outcome would be excellent. In such cases, the spouse will be highly supportive and good-natured.While on the other hand if Jupiter, which is the lord of the 8th house of this ascendant signis placed in Sagittarius, then the outcome would be adverse. Depending on the position of Mercury and Mars gives success in love matters. A strong and well placed Mars gives the individual a stable and smooth married life whereas weak Mars will bring discord into the married life.

Gemini Ascendant : For Gemini ascendant sign the 2nd house is Cancer and its lord is Moon. When Moon is placed in the 7th house which is Sagittarius, then there is indication of a break up, as 7th house to this house is Badhaka Sthan. So, there is a loss from the marriage they’ve entered.However, if the 8th house to this ascendant which is Capricorn, and its Lord Saturn is placed in the 8th house itself, then the individual would earn enough through the spouse but will be a dominating spouse.

Cancer Ascendant :For Cancer ascendant, the individual has the Sun as the 2nd house Lord. If the Sun is placed in the 7th house, which is Capricorn, it turns neutral as Sun provides neutral results in this house.

Similarly it is seen from the 8th house for this ascendant sign. The 8th house is Aquarius and this House is ruled by Lord Saturn. The results would be moderate when Saturn would aspect the 2nd house which is Leo.

Leo Ascendant:For the Leo ascendant sign, the 2nd house is ruled by Mercury. When Mercury is placed in the 7th house of Leo, which is Aquarius, the aspect of the planet makes the individual very calculative and the individual would choose a partner according to their fortune and wealth.

On the other hand, when the 8th house to Aquarius, which happens to be Pisces and owned by Jupiter, casts its aspect on the 2nd house of Leo it is auspicious. The individual earns wealth through their spouse through marriage prediction.

Virgo Ascendant : The 2nd house is Libra when it comes to Virgo ascendant sign. If Venus is placed in the 7th house of Virgo Ascendant, then it’s exalted and in such cases, the individual would marry a celebrity and remains wealthy throughout life.

The 8th house of Virgo Ascendant is Aries, and the placement of Mars in the Aries sign in aspect with the 2nd house of Virgo Ascendant would give neutral results only.

Libra Ascendant:For Libra ascendant, the 2nd house is Scorpio and its lord is Mars. When Mars is placed in the 7th house to Libra ascendant, which is Aries, the native is lucky after marriage. Since, fortunes would make them wealthy.

Again, for the Libra Ascendant sign the 8th house is Taurus, ruled by Venus. When Venus is placed in the 8th house it would again make them lucky since the ascendant lord in the 8th house would make them earn through the spouse.

Scorpio Ascendant :For the Scorpio ascendant sign, the 2nd house is Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter. When Jupiter is placed in the 7th house of Taurus, then the results are neutral, since Taurus is ruled by Venus and its relation with Jupiter is always neutral.

The 8th house to Scorpio, which is Gemini, is ruled by Mercury. Mercury’s position is considered highly auspicious in its own house. They earn very well with the spouse’s help.

Sagittarius Ascendant :For Sagittarius ascendant sign, the 2nd house is Capricorn, being ruled by Saturn and if placed in the 7th house to this sign, it is very inauspicious. Since the 7th house is Badhaka sthan to them there are chances that the individual may experience a break up in the marital relationship. ask about your marriage prediction

Also when we talk of the 8th house to this ascendant, which is Cancer the position of Moon is auspicious. But, the results of the same give delay.

Capricorn Ascendant :In the Capricorn ascendant sign, Aquarius is the 2nd house and ruled by Saturn. When Saturn is placed in the 7th house that is Cancer the result is moderate as Saturn and Moon are inimical to each other.

The 8th house to Capricorn ascendant is Leo and ruled by Sun. The position of the Sun to this sign brings neutral results to the individualafter marriage as the individual would be too principled to indulge with their spouse’s wealth.

Aquarius Ascendant :For Aquarius Ascendant sign, the 2nd sign is Pisces. The lord of this sign is Jupiter and its position in the Leo sign will make it lose its directional strength and so the placement is not very auspicious for this sign.

Also when we talk of the 8th house to Aquarius ascendant, which is Virgo and ruled by Mercury, the placement will bring moderate returns only as the 2nd house of Aquarius Ascendant which is Pisces is a sign of debilitation for Mercury.

Pisces Ascendant :Lastly, for the Pisces ascendant sign, the 2nd house is Aries and the position of its Lord in the 7th house which is Virgo is inauspicious. The couples would always fight with each other, since Mars and Mercury (owner of Virgo) are enemy planets. Also, Virgo is Badhaka sthan to the Pisces Ascendant sign.

Also, when we talk of the 8th house to Pisces, which is Libra. It is ruled by Venus and when Venus is placed in Libra and its aspect to the 2nd house of Pisces Ascendant it shows the individual marrying a celebrity, albeit of less fame.

For more information on planetary combinations in each ascendant sign for marriage prediction, do consult our expert astrologers.

