7 Steps to Designing the Life You Want

Akbar Khan
3 min readMar 4, 2024


In a world that constantly pulls us in multiple directions, designing the life we yearn for can seem like an insurmountable task. Yet, it’s possible to steer the course of our lives toward joy, fulfillment, and success by adopting a structured, intentional approach. Here are seven steps to help you design the life you want, breaking free from the constraints of procrastination, poor health habits, and unfocused living.

1. Quit Procrastinating and Embrace Reflection

The journey to a meaningful life begins with quitting procrastination and dedicating time to introspection. Ask yourself pivotal questions: What brings you joy? What are your strengths? Turning off distractions, like your phone, allows you to dive deep into your thoughts, helping you understand your desires and capabilities better.

2. Prioritize Your Health

Your health is the foundation upon which you can build a life of fulfillment. This means meditating to clear your mind, ensuring you get 8 hours of sleep to rejuvenate, avoiding alcohol and added sugars to maintain your physical health, lifting weights to strengthen your body, and steering clear of energy vampires who drain your emotional energy. Embrace the morning sun and express gratitude daily to nurture both your body and soul.

3. Take Control of Your Future

To navigate your future with confidence, address your emotional and mental states proactively. Feel unfocused? Go for a run. Uninspired? Pick up a book. Upset? Take deep breaths. Burnt out? Seek the tranquility of nature. Tired? A simple walk can refresh your perspective. These actions empower you to regain control over your emotions and direct your future.

4. Craft a Compelling Vision

Developing a compelling vision for your life involves setting goals and embracing a mindset geared towards adventure, play, and fun. Reflect on your long-term aspirations, including your 10-year, 3-year, 1-year, and even daily goals. What is your mission? Your purpose? Let the wisdom of Mark Twain remind you: “Most men die at 27, we just bury them at 72.” Choose to live fully, embracing wild adventures, spontaneous nights, and the beauty of nature.

5. Take Violent Action

Taking “violent action” doesn’t imply aggression but rather, taking decisive, powerful steps towards your goals. Do hard things without making excuses, embrace discomfort, surround yourself with high achievers (A players), and execute even when in doubt. Adopting extreme ownership over your life means fully committing to the path you’ve chosen and the goals you’ve set.

6. Be Consistent

The power of consistency cannot be overstated. The principle of compounding — illustrated by the dramatic difference between 1.00³⁶⁵ and 1.01³⁶⁵ — shows that small, consistent actions lead to significant results over time. Embrace consistency in your actions, whether in work, relationships, or personal growth, and watch as the compound effect transforms your life.

7. Choose Living

Ultimately, designing the life you want is about choosing to live fully. It’s about opting for play, fun, adventure, discomfort, and spontaneity. It’s about seeing life through the eyes of a child, full of wonder and curiosity. By making these choices, you design a life that’s not only worth living but also rich with experiences and growth.

Designing the life you want isn’t a one-time task but a continuous process of growth, reflection, and action. By following these seven steps, you set the foundation for a life that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations. Remember, the journey to designing your life is as important as the destination. Embrace each step, and let your life be a masterpiece of your own making.

