Star Wars’ Star Destroyers: An Overview

6 min readOct 2, 2019


“Star Destroyers may be nearly indestructible, but they’re the most resource-intensive ships this galaxy has ever seen.” — Everi Chalis, Battlefront: Twilight Company

Imperial-class Star Destroyer from Rogue One (2016)

The first time I saw a Star Destroyer was from the beginning of A New Hope (re-release 1997), when Devastator managed to capture Tantive IV ; but it wasn’t until I read Schreiber’s Death Trooper early last year that I acknowledged how vast and grandeur a Star Destroyer was.

A Star Destroyer is a capital ship, utilized to its full potential by at least 3 (three) factions in Star Wars saga; Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, and First Order. Most of these ships design is similar to a sword tip, or a dagger; with the command bridge and engines usually located at the other side of the tip. The common features found in Star Destroyers are turbolasers, ion cannons, tractor beams projectors; also equipped with a hyperdrive system, thousands of officers, crews, and stormtroopers, a handful of starfighters and shuttles, and sufficient consumables to keep the ship and crew operational for 2 years. The ships length varies from 1,000 m until 3,000 m; an Executor-class even reached the length of 19,000 m.

Various type of Star Destroyers (source)

Now, let us discuss this capital ship line one by one, based on a specific time period (24 BBY-34 ABY). Keep in mind that this is based on Canon story-line, and some notable ships are listed above each description.

Galactic Republic (24 BBY — 19 BBY)

Venator-class Star Destroyer (length ± 1,100 m)

Venator-class Star Destroyer (source)

We’re talking about the later Republic times, mostly during Clone Wars. The conflict between the Republic and the Separatist had inevitably reach to an all-out war that spanned across the galaxy. The Republic utilized the Venator-class Star Destroyer (manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards) as their battleships, starfighters and troops carrier, and flagships. The ships were equipped with various armaments such as turbolaser turrets, cannons, proton torpedoes, tractor beam projectors, and deck guns. The Venator-class design largely affect the design of the Imperial Star Destroyers later on.

Notable ship for this class:

  • Arbitrator (commanded by Captain Ferrel)

Galactic Empire (19 BBY — 5 ABY)

Victory-class Star Destroyer (length ± 900 m)

Victory-class Star Destroyer (source)

The smallest Star Destroyer in the Imperial Navy, originally utilized by Republic Navy along with the Venator-class. The Victory-class usual tasks include deploying a garrison base and surface landings, also to provide security for convoys and other vessels. The Victory-class is manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards (KDY).

Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (length ± 1,100 m)

Interdictor-class Star Destroyer (source)

This Star Destroyer, manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems (a bit strange that they didn’t ask a quotation from KDY for this one), capable of generating interdiction field and pull passing ships out of hyperspace. Hence the name. At least one Interdictor-class saw action during the battle of Jakku, and a couple of Interdictors also served in the Seventh Fleet.

  • Spectral (commanded by Admiral Ektol Traz)

Imperial-class Star Destroyer (length ± 1,600 m)

Imperial-class Star Destroyer (source)

The infamous and most common sight in the Imperial Navy armada is the Imperial-class Star Destroyers (ISD). The ship is manufactured by KDY and has two types; Imperial I-class and Imperial II-class.

  • Executrix (Grand Moff Tarkin’s flagship)
  • Devastator (Darth Vader’s former flagship)
  • Torment (commanded by Captain Lerr Duvat)
  • Acidity (Grand Moff Rand’s flagship)
  • Eviscerator (commanded by Admiral Garrick Versio)
  • Punishment (commanded by Captain Groff)
  • Vigilance (commanded by Admiral Rae Sloane)
  • Ascent (commanded by General Jylia Shale)
  • Vanquish (Grand Moff Valco Pandion’s flagship)
  • Herald (Prelate Verge’s flagship)
  • Harbinger (commanded by Captain Gilad Pellaeon)
  • Dominion (commanded by Vice Admiral Domm Korgale)
  • Inflictor (commanded by Captain Ciena Ree)
  • Firedrake (Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit’s flagship)
  • Chimaera (Grand Admiral Thrawn’s flagship)
  • Avenger (commanded by Captain Lorth Needa)
  • Tyrant (commanded by Captain Lennox)
  • Misthunter (commanded by Captain Rasdel)
  • Stormbird (commanded by Captain Lochry)
  • Conqueror (commanded by Captain Victor Strang)

Tector-class Star Destroyer (length ± 1,600 m)

The Tector-class is claimed to be different from other classes due to its lack of ventral hangar bay. I suspect KDY offered Tector-class as a cheaper and lite version of the ISD.

Secutor-class Star Destroyer (length ± 2,200 m)

Secutor-class Star Destroyer (source)

The Secutor-class equipped with a life-form scanner sensor system, and capable to destroy a corvette with its multiple batteries. Additionally, the Secutor-class came with two hangars bay. Take notice of its twin command tower, just like the Venator-class.

  • Conquest (Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit’s former flagship)

Executor-class Star Dreadnought (length ± 19,000 m)

Executor-class Star Dreadnought / Super Star Destroyer (source)

The largest Star Destroyers that Kuat Drive Yards ever built, and designed not only as a (Super) Star Destroyer but also as a Star Dreadnought. The Executor-class has two types, just like ISD; Executor I-class and Executor II-class.

  • Executor (Darth Vader’s flagship)
  • Annihilator (Grand General Cassio Tagge’s flagship)
  • Eclipse (Emperor Palpatine’s flagship)
  • Ravager (Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax’s former flagship)

Onager-class Star Destroyer

Onager-class Star Destroyer (source)

The Onager-class Star Destroyer was designed not only as a capital ship but also as a superweapon. It has super heavy turbolasers and massive particle cannons, fulfilling its role as an orbital bombardment platform. The ship usually accompanied by a couple of Victory-class Star Destroyers.

First Order (21 ABY-34 ABY)

Resurgent-class Star Destroyer (length ± 2,900 m)

Resurgent-class Star Destroyer (source)

Its design was based on the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Resurgent-class is equipped with bigger size, and more advanced weapon with better defense system. The Resurgent-class is manufactured by Kuat-Entralla Engineering, and serves as the First Order’s main battle cruisers.

  • Finalizer (General Armitage Hux’s flagship)

Mega-class Star Dreadnought (length ± 60,000 m)

Mega-class Star Dreadnought (source)

Kuat-Entralla Engineering designed this capital ship as both a Star Destroyer and a Star Dreadnought. The ship possessed thousands heavy turbolasers, missile batteries, heavy ion cannons, and tractor beam projectors; so big that it is capable to dock up to 8 (eight) Resurgent-class Star Destroyers, and has its own manufacturing facilities. Additionally, the ship is also equipped with an active tracking system that allowed its user to track enemies even when their adversaries were still in hyperspace.

  • Supremacy (Supreme Leader Snoke’s flagship)

So apparently, if you were famous enough or performed well in your job, the Empire would provide a Star Destroyer as your personal ride. Pretty cool, isn’t it?

During its heyday, the Galactic Empire has around 13 (thirteen) Super Star Destroyers and thousands of smaller Star Destroyers operational. So eventually, not only that I was amazed by the huge size of one ship, but also by the sheer amount of those Imperial capital ships that once reigned and spreading terror throughout the galaxy — from Coruscant to the Outer Rim.

We already saw the new Star Destroyers used by First Order in The Force Awakens (2015) and in The Last Jedi (2017). Will we be able to see some new variant of Star Destroyers in The Rise of Skywalker, which will be released later this year? I certainly hope so.

If you are still curious about Star Destroyers, or rather wanted another perspective with more complete details on the topic, you might want to see Star Wars Wookieepedia and Databank. Additionally, these video and article provide a good amount of information regarding Star Destroyers and their sizes comparison.

