EDC Blockchain Become the Starting Point of the Tokenized Financial System in The Future

3 min readAug 3, 2019


Since Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency was introduced a few years back, people believe this is the future of our financial system. Therefore, there is an idea of implementing this system into a business system. Unfortunately, there is no concrete movement that makes this idea implementable. Then, the EDC Blockchain project was started. This project can be said is the closest or the most ideal system that can show how to implement the Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency in the current business world.

What is EDC Blockchain?

EDC Blockchain is a platform where you can buy and exchange EDC, a special cryptocurrency you can use in this environment. Just like other Blockchain-based environments, you can use this cryptocurrency for purchasing many services and features available in it. However, that’s not everything that EDC Blockchain can do. In this system, you also can create your own cryptocurrency, mine for EDC and many more.

The Advantages of EDC Blockchain

As we mentioned above, EDC Blockchain utilizes the Blockchain technology to provide a platform where its users can create a coin that can be used in this platform. This seems simple. However, if look at it from a business perspective, this is one of the best opportunities ever offered.

By having your own coin/cryptocurrency in this environment, it will be much easier to find other people that want to buy that coin. For business, it means they will have a bigger chance to get an investor for their business. EDC Blockchain team also said it in their project mission.

Moreover, the ability to use EDC coin and create your own coin means that this is the real implementation of Blockchain technology to the real world. This feature allows any business owner to tokenize their business. And, this system isn’t only suitable for business or company. An organization and even individual, who want to sell their service, skill or art craft, also can use it.

In the future, when the cryptocurrency and digital payment become one of the mainstream and common payment methods, those who were joining EDC Blockchain will be ready with that system. It means you can easily provide the digitalized service earlier than other business owners. This is one of the best advantages you can have for your business.

Those are the special features you can find in EDC Blockchain. However, you also can find and use other common features you can find in the Blockchain-based market like this. In EDC Blockchain environment, you can buy and sell service, as well as exchange the cryptocurrency.


EDC Blockchain is one of the most innovative Blockchain-based systems you can find. The team behind this project understands that in the future, the digital payment will become important and even the main payment system in this world. Therefore, we can easily say that this project is very promising and has a chance to be an important part of the changes in the financial system in the future. So, if you want to invest in this project, that’s not wrong.

For more information, please visit:
Website https://blockchain.mn/

Whitepaper https://blockchain.mn/wp-content/themes/blockchain/EDC_Blockchain-presentation_(EN).pdf

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EDCBlockchain/

Twitter https://twitter.com/EDCBlockchain

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/EDC.Blockchain/

Telegram https://t.me/edcblockchainbounty

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdkt4HSObcdnSU4CrqZqgig

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/EDCBlockchain

Author https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1646336

