NUPay, the True Cryptocurrency Payment Tool

3 min readJun 13, 2019


Many people, and maybe including you, believe that cryptocurrency or digital money will become the mainstream currency in the future. It makes many companies try to provide a system where we can use our cryptocurrency to pay everyday transaction. This is good, actually. But, it has one problem. This system doesn’t have a strong base that can use all kinds of cryptocurrency as a tool to pay. Mostly, they can only use one type of cryptocurrency.

The problem above also makes another problem occurs. The service provider can’t find the merchant or company that can become their partner to install their system. In the end, the growth of the cryptocurrency as the normal payment tool has been held. Then, NUPay comes as a solution.

What is NUPay?

NUPay is a payment platform that facilitates all kinds of cryptocurrency owner to use their digital asset as a payment tool. Unlike other cryptocurrency payment service that still uses too many intermediates including conventional bank, NUPay doesn’t use that. It’s all directly connected from your e-wallet to the merchant where you want to use your digital money. We can say that this is the truly decentralized cryptocurrency payment tool you can find.

The Benefits

You can save more money with NUPay. Without intermediates, you won’t be charged with an extra fee or in the worst case, hidden fee. Yes, although those Blockchain-based projects said that they use the most transparent method, the intermediates that they use make it less transparent. Therefore, NUPay is the true cryptocurrency payment service that will give you safety, with its full transparency. And, it also protects you from any hidden and extra fee that you get from other services.

NUPay also can handle many kinds of point-payment platform. Other services only can handle one type of point-payment platform, one store, and one transaction. NUPay can take several point-payment platforms and make it much easier for you to use your cryptocurrency. With more than 3 million merchants partner, we can say that NUPay also has a bigger chance to be the first globally payment service that utilizes the cryptocurrency effectively.

The reward system is also amazing. You can get a specific number of TPCT, the token in NUPay that is also used for a medium for your payment, every time you make a transaction using this service. The amounts of bonuses are varying, depending on the type of membership that you have. And, to get the top membership, you must hold more TPCT token.


Token Details



NUPay is definitely worth to invest your money into. This system is the starting point where the cryptocurrency will become more important and usable in the future. It simplifies everything. You also can easily buy or make a payment without worrying about many problems and the extra fee that you get from the current system. So, you basically support the better change for transaction system in the future. Moreover, with more TPCT token in your hand, you will also have a better chance to make a profit from it with its reward system.

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