
Caitlyn, of the North.
3 min readAug 26, 2016


It started many cycles ago, so many that I’ve lost count of the full moons that have passed over my head. I’ve traveled countless miles and conquered many beasts of the wild lands in between where I’ve come from and where I’m going. Somewhere along the way, I lost who I was and became someone completely new.

Now, I am bound, on the back of a long row boat on a hidden river deep in the woods that everyone told me to not venture into. A cloth covers my mouth and twine binds my wrists and my ankles. There’s no way to best an elf. Especially a wood elf. Unlike their counterparts on the sea edge, they are short, but still taller than most. They are bulky like a tree trunk, but still as limber as bamboo. Armed with their long hunting bows and keen senses, it is a rare warrior that can out match a wood elf. They’re eyes are a deep emerald green with a every so slight glow. They’re skin is tan like light yellow cedar. Long hair in braids flows down their backs almost to their hips.

As we floated down this mystic river, hidden by trees that arched high up and over, the fog began to grown in density. Nervousness crept up in my stomach, I had never felt so much anxiousness. In the small distance that I could see, a large white mass slowly came into view…

I gasped in shock and threw myself back against the boat in fear of the large creature that I had only ever seen in spoke stories from the elders in my village.

The massive white beast huffed a large plume of breath over the boat as we floated past. The leader of the elves on the boat spoke something in elvish that I did not understand. I looked wide eyed at my guard and the beast. The elf just looked down at me and smiled with amusement.

“Fear of Dragos is good for you, craven woman.” The elf spoke in a broken english to me. Dragos, I had heard of his legend. The white dragon, killer of kings, devourer of man.

I stared wide eyed as we continued to pass by Dragos. The heat of his breath filled the air with a rank smell. His eyes a golden ball, glaring at me. He lifted his head and sniffed in my direction. He let out a sound, somewhere between the a growl and a deep breath. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and looked away. How did I get into this mess… I thought to myself. All I was trying to do was kill a rabbit for breakfast.

“Woman, stand.” My elf guard spoke to me and kicked me in the side. I could barely get up and even stand with my ankles tied, the elf looked at me funny and bent down to cut the binds on my ankles so I could walk. He nudged me forward.

I paid only attention to the wobbly boat and the red wood dock, once I was able to walk with out staring at my feet I looked up. Not many humans, or any other creature has seen the wood elf city, let alone anyone who has lived to tell about it. I looked up to the extensive city carved out of the massive red wood trees. Everything was so completely detailed, the beauty was so striking.

Beams of light shot through thick branches like daggers. Tall beautiful wood elves walked the the pathways and wooden bridges, a few glanced down at us on the dock. My elven guards lead me down a narrow dirt path to a door below the city. Great, This is where my life ends; I though to myself.

