This is exactly how to write.

Caitlyn, of the North.
2 min readSep 9, 2016


  1. Open your notebook/journal/pile of random papers/napkin/ whatever floats your boat.
  2. Get handy favorite pen/pencil/quil/feather/something with ink or carbon.
  3. Stare at blank page.
  4. Purse lips.
  5. Tap pen on blank page.
  6. Take a sip of coffee.
  7. Make a small scribble in the top corner to make sure the pen works.
  8. Scribble out name in cursive.
  9. Repeat
  10. Repeat
  11. Repeat
  12. Experiment with random names until one starts to form a character in your head.
  13. Stare at the wall.
  14. Turn to a new blank page.
  15. Google some good music to get yourself into the writing mood.
  16. Get distracted on google and watch a few youtube videos.
  17. Go on pinterest and look at some “inspirational landscape photos” or “beautiful destination photos.”
  18. Drink some more coffee.
  19. Curse yourself for wanting to be a writer.
  20. Praise yourself for wanting to be a writer.
  21. Scribbled earlier chosen random name for random character.
  22. Describe what they’re wearing.
  23. Describe their location.
  24. Draw random doodle on page.
  25. Flip to a clean blank page.
  26. Write out some story prompt lines like; “It all started when,” or “He didn’t have to leave,” or “The blast shook the building hard,” or “Once, when I was young,” or “This isn’t your average life,” or something like that.
  27. Google some more random stock photos.
  28. Try to remember what that one site was you saw on Medium that had all the cool pictures that everyone uses in the beginning of their posts.
  29. Read at least 5 random Medium posts half way through.
  30. Get sucked into a random post about a stripper on a boat. lol that was a good read.
  31. Stare blankly at blank page.
  32. Think of all the cliche stories out there.
  33. Think of all the good stuff like Jane Austen’s…. anything by Jane. ❤
  34. Feel like watching Becoming Jane for the millionth time.
  35. Wish you could have live in her era.
  36. Fuck it…. time to go eat.


