Verse Elite — prologue

Caitlyn, of the North.
3 min readJul 18, 2016


“Do you wish that your child could have every opportunity in the world?

Do you wish that your child will be as successful as you want them to be?

The Verse Elite Academy; offering state of the art virtual education.

The Verse Elite Academy, the world’s first orbital education facility is offering progressive courses like robot engineering and space travel exploration. Enroll now while top 500 companies are providing full scholarships for the first ten thousand students.

The Verse Elite Academy, where your child can have every opportunity via virtual education.

Apply now’

The recording studdered over the last two words, replaying them over and over. It was the same advertisement that I heard over and over again as a child. I had sat in this very same blue chair in this very same office in this very same sky scraper while my parents enrolled me into the academy. My parents had gotten me a full ride scholarship, which was a big deal since I was 9 years old and top of my class. I’d be spending the rest of my educational days in space orbiting the planet. Although, no one at the time new that it was a trap. No one could have guessed that I’d be spending 50 years in cryogenic sleep living my life out in a virtual reality.

All of those top 500 companies… they had all bought in. They’re masterful idea of taking children and giving them everything, only to take anything they created and mass produce it. In virtual reality, you can bring any idea to life. If something needed a specific piece of machinery you could easily make it, you had everything at your disposal, and that’s exactly how took advantage of us.

They wanted the product, but they didn’t know how to make them. So, what better way than to take the best and brightest minds from a young age and feed their creativity only to take it from them while they’re sleeping.

In our minds, we were winning Nobel prizes, we were top minds of the world. We saw ourselves aging. We created amazing things, and families in our minds. We completely forgot about our families back on Earth, we had no idea about the destruction going on beneath our feet.

In my mind, I was happy 45 year old woman with a husband and 3 children. I have memories of giving birth. I have memories of scientific discovery. I had everything I could possibly ask for. They created a world for us to live out the rest of our lives, but it was just lie.

I have a vague memory of waking up a few times when I was little. We thought that maybe those memories were just bad dreams. They used to wake us up, we used to come out of it for a few days to eat, sleep, bathe, and then we went back in. That lasted a few years, until they figured out a way to keep us until we died.

When the crash happened, we woke to see ourselves as teenagers once again. Our entire lives were a complete lie. The man I married, he didn’t know who I was. We were just two students. I bore his children, children that never existed. Now, I sit in this room where it all began. The bodies of the corporate big wigs lay at my feet. The world is completely different now, plagued with war, corporate deceit, and greed. The only thing I can hope for now, is to try and love the man that was fictionally married to.

  • this is work in progress. please be kind with your comments.
  • this is the first time I’ve really shared something like this with people. I don’t normally let ANYONE read my fictional pieces.
  • Be honest, only click the heart if you love it.

