How the content of the website or application can impact the user experience?

Akhlak Patel
5 min readOct 21, 2023


ux content strategy

Content is everywhere in a digital product. It is the language that appears in a user interface, such as menus, buttons, headers, instructions, and more. Content is not just filler text or decoration; it is an essential component of user experience (UX) design that helps users achieve their goals, understand the product, and enjoy the interaction.

But how do you create content that is effective, engaging, and consistent across different platforms and devices? How do you design with words? This is where UX content strategy comes in.

What is UX Content Strategy?

UX content technique is the most common way of making content that objectives users’ necessities, conveys worth to the user, lines up with brand informing, and supports the UX design components of a digital product. The goal of UX content strategy is to ensure that users can find and engage with the right content at the right time in their user journey, resulting in a positive and engaging experience that meets their expectations.

UX content strategy involves creating a framework for content creation by defining users’ needs and goals, mapping user journeys, and creating content that aligns with business objectives and brand standards. It is an essential component of user experience design that ensures visitors can easily navigate digital products like websites, mobile applications, and software interfaces.

UX content strategy

How to Create a UX Content Strategy

Creating a UX content strategy requires collaboration between designers, writers, researchers, developers, and stakeholders. Here are some steps to follow when creating a UX content strategy:

  1. Conduct user research: The first step is to understand who your users are, what they want, what they need, and how they behave. You can use various methods such as surveys, interviews, personas, scenarios, and analytics to gather user insights and data.
  2. Define your content goals: The next step is to define what you want your content to achieve for your users and your business. You can use tools such as SMART goals or OKRs to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives for your content.
  3. Create a content audit: A content audit is a process of evaluating the current state of your content and identifying what needs to be improved, removed, or added. You can use tools such as spreadsheets or content inventory software to document your existing content and its attributes, such as type, format, tone, voice, length, quality, etc.
  4. Create a content plan: A content plan is a document that outlines the structure, hierarchy, flow, and format of your content. You can use tools such as sitemaps, wireframes, prototypes, or mockups to visualize how your content will be organized and displayed in your digital product.
  5. Create a content style guide: A content style guide is a document that defines the rules and standards for writing and editing your content. It covers aspects such as tone, voice, grammar, punctuation, spelling, terminology, etc. A content style guide helps ensure consistency and clarity across your content and aligns with your brand identity.
  6. Create and test your content: The final step is to create your content according to your plan and style guide. You can use tools such as CMS or text editors to write and edit your content. You should also test your content with real users to get feedback and validate its effectiveness.
UX content strategy best practices

UX Content Strategy Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating a UX content strategy:

  • Write for your users: Your content should be user-centric and focused on solving their problems or fulfilling their needs. You should use clear, concise, and conversational language that speaks directly to your users and matches their level of understanding.
  • Write for context: Your context ought to be significant and proper for the setting wherein it shows up. You ought to consider factors, for example, gadget type, screen size, compatible platform, location, time, and so on. while composing your content.
  • Write for action: Your content should guide your users toward their desired outcomes and encourage them to take action. You should use active voice, verbs, and calls-to-action that motivate your users and tell them what to do next.
  • Write for consistency: Your content should be consistent across different channels, platforms, devices, etc., and follow the same style, tone, voice, terminology, etc., throughout your digital product.
  • Write for accessibility: Your content should be accessible to all users regardless of their abilities or disabilities. You should use simple, plain, inclusive, and respectful language that can be easily understood by everyone.

Examples of UX Content Strategy

Here are some examples of digital products that use UX content strategy to create engaging and effective content for their users:

  • Duolingo: Duolingo is a language-learning app that uses gamification, personalization, and humor to create a fun and motivating learning experience for its users. The app uses clear and concise instructions, feedback, and encouragement to guide users through different levels and challenges. The app also adapts its content to the user’s preferences, goals, and progress, and uses a friendly and playful tone and voice that matches its brand personality.
  • Spotify: Spotify is a music-streaming service that uses data, algorithms, and user input to create personalized and relevant content for its users. The service uses descriptive and catchy titles, subtitles, and descriptions to showcase different playlists, albums, artists, and podcasts. The service also uses user feedback, ratings, and behavior to recommend and suggest content that matches the user’s taste, mood, and interests.
  • Airbnb: Airbnb is a platform that connects travelers with hosts who offer unique accommodations around the world. The platform uses descriptive and persuasive content to showcase different properties, experiences, and destinations. The platform also uses user reviews, ratings, and stories to build trust and credibility among its users.


Content is a crucial part of UX design that can make or break a digital product. By creating a UX content strategy, you can ensure that your content is effective, engaging, and consistent across different platforms and devices. You can also improve your user experience and increase engagement and conversions.

To create a UX content strategy, you need to conduct user research, define your content goals, create a content audit, create a content plan, create a content style guide, create and test your content. You should also follow some best practices such as writing for your users, writing for context, writing for action, writing for consistency, and writing for accessibility.

By following these steps and best practices, you can design with words and create amazing content for your digital product.

