It’s Google’s 25th Birthday — Here are 25 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know about the Search Giant

Akhabue David
7 min readSep 27, 2023


Today marks a very special day: Google’s 25th birthday! Founded on September 4, 1998, Google has become one of the world’s most influential companies, with its search engine becoming an integral part of life for billions of people. To celebrate this milestone, here are 25 fun facts you may not know about the search giant. From its humble beginnings as a university project to its current global status, these facts will give you a better understanding of the Google journey and its ongoing impact on the world.

Google’s Humble Beginnings

Google’s humble beginnings started in a Stanford University dorm room, where Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a search algorithm called BackRub. Little did they know that this algorithm would evolve into the world’s most popular search engine and pave the way for Google’s incredible success.

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The Name “Google”

When it comes to unique company names, Google definitely takes the cake. But have you ever wondered how they came up with the name? In this section, we’ll delve into the fascinating story behind the name “Google” and how it has become synonymous with internet search.

First Google Doodle

Google’s first doodle was a quirky addition to the homepage that celebrated the Burning Man Festival in 1998. Since then, Google doodles have become an iconic part of the search engine, showcasing unique and creative designs to commemorate important events and individuals.

The Colorful Google Logo

The Colorful Google Logo is instantly recognizable and has become an iconic symbol of the company. But did you know that the logo has actually gone through several changes over the years? Let’s take a closer look at the evolution of the Google logo and the meaning behind its vibrant colors.

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The Infamous “I’m Feeling Lucky” Button

The Infamous “I’m Feeling Lucky” Button: Ah, the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button, a true icon of Google. This feature takes you directly to the first search result, skipping the traditional search results page. It’s like taking a leap of faith and trusting Google to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Google’s “Don’t Be Evil” Motto

Google’s “Don’t Be Evil” motto has been at the heart of the company’s philosophy since its early days. It’s a reminder of their commitment to ethical practices and ensuring that their actions have a positive impact on the world. This motto has helped shape Google’s decisions and guide their path towards creating a better future for all.

Googleplex — Google’s Headquarters

Googleplex, located in Mountain View, California, is Google’s famous headquarters. It’s a sprawling campus with innovative architecture, colorful bikes for employees to get around, and a buzzing atmosphere that reflects the company’s creative and collaborative spirit.

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Google’s Billion-Dollar Acquisitions

Google has made some major acquisitions over the years, with several of them surpassing the billion-dollar mark. These acquisitions have played a significant role in shaping Google’s growth and expanding its reach in various industries. Let’s explore some of the billion-dollar acquisitions that have helped Google become the powerhouse it is today.

Google’s Products beyond Search

Google’s impact goes beyond its search engine. With a range of innovative products, including Google Maps, YouTube, Android, and more, Google has revolutionized various industries. Let’s explore the diverse offerings from Google that have transformed the way we live, work, and connect with others.

The Birth of Google Maps

Google Maps, the revolutionary mapping service, was born out of a need to provide users with accurate and reliable directions. With its launch in 2005, it quickly became a game-changer in the navigation industry, offering detailed maps, real-time traffic updates, and even street view imagery.

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The YouTube Takeover

YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform, became a part of the Google family in 2006. Since then, it has completely revolutionized the way we consume and create content. With millions of videos uploaded every day, YouTube has taken over the entertainment industry and become a platform for people to express themselves and connect with others.

Google and Android Partnership

Google and Android have had a game-changing partnership since 2005, when Google acquired Android Inc. This collaboration led to the development of the popular Android operating system, which powers billions of smartphones worldwide. Together, Google and Android have revolutionized the mobile industry and provided users with innovative and customizable technology.

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Google’s Entrance into the Smartphone Market

Google made its entrance into the smartphone market with the launch of the first Google Pixel phone in 2016. This marked a new chapter for the company as it expanded its reach beyond software and into hardware, providing users with a seamless and integrated experience across devices.

Google’s Partnership with NASA

Google’s Partnership with NASA was a match made in heaven. By teaming up, they have worked on groundbreaking projects, like Google Earth and Google Sky, that have brought the wonders of space exploration to our fingertips. This collaboration has opened up a world of possibilities and taken us to infinity and beyond.

Google’s Unique Company Culture

Google’s unique company culture is known for its fun and creative work environment. With perks like free food, nap pods, and colorful office spaces, Google fosters a culture of innovation and encourages its employees to think outside the box. It’s no wonder that Google is consistently ranked as one of the best places to work!

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Google’s Focus on Diversity and Inclusion

Google is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in its workforce. The company recognizes the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and experiences to drive innovation and create a more inclusive environment. Through various initiatives and programs, Google strives to ensure that everyone’s voices are heard and valued.

The Famous Google Internship Program

The Famous Google Internship Program: Google’s internship program is highly coveted and offers students the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry. With perks like free food and a fun work environment, it’s no wonder that Google interns have become famous for their valuable contributions and memorable experiences.

The Not-So-Successful Google Products

Google has had its fair share of hits, but not every product has been a smashing success. From Google Wave to Google Glass, there have been a few products that didn’t quite hit the mark. But hey, you can’t win them all, right?

Google’s Philanthropy and Environmentalism

Google’s Philanthropy and Environmentalism: From investing in renewable energy projects to funding education initiatives, Google has shown a commitment to giving back. Their efforts to reduce their environmental impact through initiatives like carbon neutrality also reflect their dedication to making a positive difference in the world.

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The Future of Google

As Google celebrates its 25th birthday, we can’t help but wonder what the future holds for this tech giant. With its constant innovation and dedication to shaping the world, Google is sure to continue pushing boundaries and changing the game. So, what does the future hold for Google? Only time will tell, but one thing is for certain — Google will always be at the forefront of technological advancements, making our lives easier and more connected.

Google and Privacy Concerns

With great power comes great responsibility, and Google’s vast influence in our lives has raised concerns about privacy. From data collection to targeted advertising, the company has faced scrutiny over its handling of personal information. While Google has taken steps to address these concerns, it’s important for users to be aware and proactive about protecting their privacy in the digital age.

Google’s Influence on Society and Pop Culture

Google’s influence on society and pop culture cannot be overstated. From changing the way we access information to creating platforms for self-expression, Google has become deeply ingrained in our daily lives. Its impact on society and popular culture is undeniable, and it continues to shape the way we interact with the world around us.

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The Googolplex Number

The Googolplex Number, named after Google, is a mind-bogglingly large number. It’s a 1 followed by a googol zeroes! That’s a number so big, it’s practically incomprehensible. So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, just remember the Googolplex Number and realize that even Google has its limits!

Google Easter Eggs and Hidden Features

Get ready for some fun surprises! Google is known for its hidden Easter eggs and special features that add a playful touch to the search experience. From interactive games to hidden messages, Google has hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Start exploring and uncover these hidden delights!

Thank You, Google.

Thank you, Google, for 25 years of changing the way we search, connect, and navigate the world. Your innovative spirit, commitment to ethics, and endless possibilities have made our lives easier, more connected, and more fun. Here’s to another 25 years of technological advancements and making a positive impact!

