Android Studio — Build Time hack

Akhil Gupta
2 min readAug 19, 2019



The web is full of Android developers complaints about slow Android Studio, slow indexing & slow Gradle build.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

One observation I noticed: My command line build was slower when my Android Studio was running. Tested my hypothesis with closing Android Studio and building from the command line.


So I came up with the idea to suspend Android Studio while building through the command line and resuming Android Studio once build is over. Written a small shell script wrapper over ./gradlew for same :)

Tested only on Macbook pro !!


Just replace ./gradlew with ./

Example usage:
./ :app:assembleDebug


I got a build time boost of ~ 50%+

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Pretty useful for big apps with multiple modules. It's not guaranteed to give you build time boost every time. But it works most of the time. After all, it's a hack 😜


Suspending Android Studio suspends it’s all child processes and you have more CPU bandwidth, memory available for command-line builds

Note: You can’t do anything in Android Studio while the build is running, as it is in suspended mode. Keep your Calm & Happy coding :)

