Nenad Kanelić
1 min readMay 1, 2018


Ok, the basic point here is to defend TLJ by comparing it with the one of the pillars of the OT, of entire saga. And with what, with usage of the same words, same complaints raised by fans against Johnson’s — Kennedy political crap, the product which has for sure killed entire SW to that point where fans are considering not to follow the franchise any more. Prequels were not so good also, they had their flaws, but it is nothing compared to a propaganda filled TFA and especially TLJ. Nearly 3 hours of feminist propaganda filled reboot of a ESB, in whom we see what? Diversity, potential love affair between Asian rebel girl and black deserter with force sensitive capabilities, a Hispanic version of Han Solo form the OT, liberation of camel horses, while slave children are kept in captivity, hyper space ramming (why they did not use it in attacks on both Death Stars?), females as leaders, males as incompetent scumbags, Princes Leia as Marry Poppins in space, not to mention killing Snoke, and of course making Rey nobody… (if Kylo was telling the truth in the first place)… TLJ is a crap and a nail in the coffin of the SW saga.

