Explain about the Combinational Logic Circuits

Digital Circuits and Logic Designs #001

Akila Senanayake
4 min readJan 9, 2024

Table of Contents

· Table of Contents
Definition of the Combinational Logic Circuit
Differences and characteristics between combinational and sequential
Applications of Combinational Logic Circuits
Steps to Design Combinational Logic Circuits
· Encoder
Binary Encoder
Priority Encoders
· Decoder

Definition of the Combinational Logic Circuit

Combinational circuits (CC) are circuits made up of different types of logic gates. A logic gate is the basic building block of any electronic circuit. The output of the combinational circuit depends on the values at the input at any given time. The circuits do not make use of any memory or storage devices.

Logic circuits can be classified into two parts. They are combinational and sequential. In this, we are talking about combinational logic circuits.

Classified logic circuits

Differences and characteristics between combinational and sequential

Differences and characteristics between combinational and sequential

Applications of Combinational Logic Circuits

There are several applications of combinational circuits; some of them are listed below. Click to learn more about the applications of combinational circuits.

Applications of Combinational Logic Circuits

Steps to Design Combinational Logic Circuits

Follow the five steps down here to easily design a digital logic for any project or educational purpose.


In general, an encoder is a device or process that converts data from one format to another. In position sensing, an encoder is a device that can detect and convert mechanical motion to an analog or digitally coded output signal. Shortly, we can say a device that codes (converts) the data from one format to another. Learn more about encoders.

Encoding is done for a variety of purposes in practical applications. For example, security, efficiency, speed, and minimal design. Encoders have two main types:

1. Binary Encoder
2. Priority Encoder

Binary Encoder

A binary encoder encodes information from 2N inputs into an N-bit code. Exactly one of the input signals should have a value of 1, and the outputs present the binary number that identifies which input is equal to 1. A binary encoder converts only one input at a time into binary code.

Picture of the Binary Encoder

Priority Encoders

If more than one input is active (high), then the binary encoder produces an output, which may not be the correct code.
The Priority Encoder solves the problems mentioned above by allocating a priority level to each input. In priority encoders, more than one input can be high at any given time. Output corresponds to the currently active input, which has the highest priority. So, when an input with a higher priority is present, all other inputs with a lower priority will be ignored.


A decoder is a circuit that changes a code into a set of signals. It is called a decoder because it does the reverse of encoding, but we will begin our study of encoders and decoders with decoders because they are simpler to design. Learn more about decoders.

Here, the main purpose was to give an understanding of the combinational logic circuit and it is expected to show other parts in separate parts.

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Akila Senanayake

Undergraduate in Computer Science | The aim is to share in an informed manner the range of information that has been learned and is being learned.