The Future is Now: Whales, AI, and Economic Turbulence.

4 min readMay 13, 2024

Sam Altman Doesn’t Think We’re Worried Enough About How AI Will Impact the Economy

Imagine you’ve built a towering sandcastle with meticulous care, only to watch the tide roll in and wash it away. This is how Sam Altman views our economic preparedness for AI — an intricate structure on the brink of collapse as technological waves surge.

The Whale Whisperers: Decoding Sperm Whale Communication

Credit: Generated by Henxolabs


Picture a group of scientists on a boat off the Caribbean coast, trying to decipher whale clicks. It’s like playing charades with a giant, chatty mammal that has a penchant for rhythm and tempo. And you thought your Zoom meetings were hard to understand!

Researchers at MIT CSAIL and Project CETI have made significant strides in understanding sperm whale communication thanks to advanced machine learning technologies. Their study, titled “Contextual and Combinatorial Structure in Sperm Whale Vocalizations,” reveals a previously unknown combinatory coding system in whale clicks or codas. The team has uncovered a “phonetic alphabet” that may represent the first known non-human linguistic system with the duality of patterning, where meaningless elements combine to form meaningful units. This breakthrough deepens our understanding of cetacean communication and paves the way for further research into the complex vocalizations of other whale species.

The research team drew from an extensive dataset of 8,719 sperm whale codas collected off the coast of Dominica, analyzing them with a combination of machine learning and biological expertise. The results suggest that the clicks whales produce are not arbitrary but structured sophisticatedly, using variations in rhythm, tempo, and ornamentation to convey different meanings. This discovery aligns with pioneering work by the late marine biologist Roger Payne, who studied humpback whale songs and inspired the current research.

The implications of this study are vast, offering new insights into animal communication systems and highlighting the potential for further exploration of other species’ vocalizations. As we continue to unlock the secrets of whale communication, we move closer to a future where interspecies dialogue may become a reality.

Microsoft’s New AI Giant: MAI-1

In the competitive world of AI, Microsoft is stepping up with its new large-scale language model, MAI-1. Under the leadership of Mustafa Suleyman, former CEO of Inflection AI, MAI-1 is poised to challenge giants like GPT-4 and Google Gemini. With an impressive 500 billion parameters, this model surpasses previous Microsoft efforts and represents a significant leap in AI capabilities.

MAI-1’s development follows Microsoft’s $650 million acquisition of Inflection AI’s staff and intellectual property. This strategic move indicates Microsoft’s intent to diversify its AI portfolio, moving beyond its reliance on OpenAI’s technology. The new model is expected to debut at the upcoming Build Developer Conference, showcasing Microsoft’s commitment to advancing AI independently.

The creation of MAI-1 underscores a broader trend in the tech industry: the race to build more powerful and efficient AI systems. As these models become increasingly sophisticated, they promise to revolutionize various sectors, from healthcare to finance, by enhancing automation and decision-making processes. However, the ethical and economic implications of such advancements remain a topic of heated debate.

Sam Altman Sounds the Alarm on AI’s Economic Impact

credits: JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images

While AI’s technological advancements are impressive, they have significant economic implications. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has expressed concerns about AI’s potential to disrupt the job market. Speaking at a Brookings Institute panel, Altman emphasized the need to take the socioeconomic impacts of AI seriously, warning that millions of jobs could be affected.

Research supports Altman’s concerns. An International Monetary Fund study suggests that AI could impact 60% of jobs in advanced economies, with many roles potentially becoming automated. This shift could lead to lower wages and necessitate significant career changes for millions of workers. Despite these challenges, some experts argue that AI can also create new opportunities, enhancing productivity and enabling workers to move up the corporate ladder.

Altman’s cautionary note highlights the importance of preparing for these changes. As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial for policymakers, businesses, and individuals to consider its broader economic impacts and develop strategies to mitigate potential disruptions.

Going Forward

These stories from the past week highlight technology's incredible potential to transform our understanding of the world and our place in it. From decoding whale language to advancing AI capabilities and addressing economic challenges, the future is full of both promise and uncertainty.

As we navigate these changes, let’s keep our curiosity alive and our sense of humour intact — after all, it’s a whale of a time to be exploring new frontiers.

