Damilola Akinyemi
2 min readAug 26, 2023


Do you remember my yesterday's story about how my entire body felt when I had an injury on my smallest finger and other illnesses wanted to set in just because of a little injury in a small part of the body?

The image of a physical body helps us to understand how it is in the spirit. We all are body of Christ and no part is insignificant or too small. An injury to one is an injury to all and a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, hence the need for unity. To achieve this, God gave gifts, not only for their local assembly, but to his body. Gone are the days when one thinks that God can only work in one's denomination: it is now a body thing and for that, I am grateful.

Today, I am grateful for God's gift to his body in Nigeria and his body at large. I am grateful for fathers and mothers of faith, for missionaries who prefers to spread the gospel even when it is detrimental to their own lives, for men who counted all they have as nothing to follow God.

I am grateful for Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Helps, Encouragers, Music Ministers, Intercessors and so many gifts God has bestow his body with at this time including those sent to different sectors.

It is a such a rare privilege to be part of his body in this season and time.

What are you grateful for?

#gratitude #intentionalgratitude #millionlittlemiracles #bodyofChrist #miraclenumber25 #countingmyblessings

Damilola Akinyemi

Lawyer| Writer| I love to Read| Most importantly, I AM ROYALTY