Expand your horizons!

30 days with swift — Day 00 — New goals!

Guilherme Akio Sakae
2 min readMar 1, 2015



First of all, introductions. My name is Guilherme Akio Sakae, but you can call me Akio, I am a developer currently living in Brasil. I am working with web development since 2008 and loving every minute. You can find more information about my background here.

But everything evolves, so do I, and mobile is growing in a such fast pace that every programmer, developer, software engineer, doesn't matter your job title, should now a little bit about mobile development. In my case I already know a thing or two, I have worked in some apps in the past couple of year, and I even founded a startup called bwid (still translating our landing page ☺).

I already have a good experience with objective-c and now it's time to tackle a new objective, swift! Apple's new language seems very interesting and far far less scarier than the objective-c.

The Plan

In the next 30 days, I am going to study swift and do some apps to consolidate my new knowledge, the goal is to be able one create production ready, beautiful, swift based app by the end of the month.

To do so, I have chosen the treehouse web school as my primary resource, they have tracks for objective-c (with I already done a couple of years ago) and swift, they even have android, web and business courses available. If you are interested in learned something new, go check them out, it's pretty cool!

The swift track have 7 main segments and 17 hours long, doing 4 hours a day a should finish the track in 4.25 days, maybe 5, I'm aiming for one week. It's challenging but totally doable, so wish me luck ☺. After this first week, I'm going to put all my efforts to build this new app.

I still have no ideia witch app I should build but I want to build something useful and cool, so if you have any ideia please let my know.

Next steps

I'm resuming my subscription at treehouse and starting this midnight (01/03/2015 00:00 GMT-3), I'm also going to post something about my progress everyday, you can add me to your rss feed with this url: https://medium.com/feed/@akiokio

You can also follow me here in medium or in twitter (@akiokio), send me messages also, would be pretty cool ☺.

Well that's it for today, thanks for sticking here until now and we see each other tomorrow. Bye!

