30 days with swift — Day 01 — First course done!

Guilherme Akio Sakae
2 min readMar 2, 2015


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Amazing new world!

Holy balls! This is a lot of work! That was my first thought when I opened the page and clicked on "start course", the first course has six blocks with 5 to 12 lessons each, each lesson can take 5 to 10 minutes but despite of the first bad impression I keep going, lesson after lesson, and when I realized I was finishing the course.

Swift is amazing, I'm looking this new programming language with a kid eyes, very open minded and letting she impress me every now and then. And man, I'm impressed I know that I'm only scratching the surface and slowly learning everything that swift has to offer but so far so good. Objective-c with his messages and "exotic" syntax are great, I really enjoy working with objective-c but swift is the new cool kid in the block.


Took me about 3 hours with some brief pauses to get water/coffee (very important) or to stretch my legs and give my eyes a rest. The content is amazingly organized, introduces every topic very well and Amit (@paradoxed) is a great teacher.

Although I already know pretty much every topic they covered, I live by the philosophy of never underestimate anything.

For instance, switch case has more power in swift and can be used in several different ways, the new addition to xCode 6, playgrounds, is a amazing tool to test new things. Maybe I never realized that if I didn't take this approach of "pretending" that this is my first rodeo.

Day One conclusion

Not much to show today, just remembered very basic stuff. For the new comers in this world (programming) this first course certainly is overwhelming but awarding. Now you should start to link the dots and see how programming works.

I'm really excited to start the second course, now we're going to cover functions and optionals, things start to get interesting tomorrow, topics gets more challenging and the content is the base for the "real world programming", not that today ins't, it's just…today is more like learning how to write what you already know in different way (syntax), like Japanese hiragana and katakana, I already knew hiragana and today I learned katakana but tomorrow is a totally different beast, tomorrow is Kanji time baby!

Hope you're enjoying and have a great day!

Teaser: The secret videos are amazing!

