30 days with swift — Day 04 — Object Oriented Programming

Guilherme Akio Sakae
2 min readMar 5, 2015

Missed the last day, check here:


Now we're starting to use some powerful tools, if you have experience with object oriented programming you already now what I'm talking about, classes, inheritance and method override.

Like objective-c, Swift takes advantages of this concept and we’re going to study all of the concepts to really build a solid foundation to further courses and future projects, OOP is everywhere, trust me you really want to know this.

Day highlights

  • Classes: Classes are pretty much equal to structs, but with classes we can use these two (four) concepts below.
  • Inheritance: This concept allows you to inherit properties and behaviours, avoiding code duplication.
  • Overriding: Also you can create custom behaviour depending of your needs, you don’t need to follow the rules all the time ☺
  • Convenience initializers: Lets save some time creating “shortcuts” to initialize our classes, but use with care there’s several rules to follow here. “With great powers comes great responsibilities.”
  • DRY: Don’t repeat yourself, adopt this as your mantra and you’re golden.

Day Conclusion

Big deception today, my ISP just decided to fuck me over, I spent most of the time refreshing the page, pinging my connection, restarting my router and nothing! Right now I’m really mad but I can’t do anything, sadly services providers in Brazil just don’t take the clients seriously. I ran out of energy and it’s probably better just to call the day.

So I’m truly sorry I wasn’t able to met my daily goal but I try to speed up tomorrow. I’m not really mad anymore just tired and sad.

I hope tomorrow will be a better day, thanks for the patience.

