30 days with swift — Day 05 — Creating the first app

Guilherme Akio Sakae
3 min readMar 6, 2015

Missed the last day, check here:

Continuing from the last day

Oh my god! Yesterday was tough, my internet wasn't working and I couldn't do much, was the first day was behind schedule, I went to bed feeling very bad. But after i good sleep, I was prepared to tackle the challenge again!

Sadly today my internet didn't get any better. Having to reload the page at least 3 times to finally watch a video and having to do the quizzes and challenges many times because the connection give timeout really pisses me off, but it’s ok, every road have bumps ☺

Creating our first app

Today I finished the last course about swift and started to work inside xCode creating apps! Before I start to talk about the apps journey, lets finished the last topic exclusively about swift.

To finish the OOP course we learned about computed properties, option properties, some theory like values and references all the base to be capable of writing secure and reusable code. To most beginners this last course is a bit overwhelming, a lot of new concepts together and some of they are hard to understand.

After that we change teacher to start creating some apps, the new teacher is Pasan (@pasanpr) he is guiding us through the new conception, new syntax and new xCode features.

This I the moment guys, it’s time to build an app!

Day highlights

  • Computed properties: Computed properties are “virtual attributes”, they act like attributes but they actually are functions, that way you can do complex calculations on real time, instead of calculating and saving some attribute every time.
  • Values vs Reference: One of the most important concepts to understand, this is really important to know how to differentiate and when to use. Amit really did a great job explaining this concept in the course.
  • Class = Reference, Enums and struct=Values: This was new for me, in swift, Classes are allocated using reference and Enums and structs are allocated using values, this makes a great difference when programming.

Day Conclusion

Another hard day, but at least the could finish the swift basic and we started tho create some apps, I finished the course until the part of the app creation, and I should say, Swift is the future, apple really did a great job here and now is super easy, intuitive and fast to create apps.

New programmers should understand the concepts easier now, swift isn’t intimidating like objective-c and the future hold something great I can feel!

Thanks again and tomorrow is another day ☺

