30 days with swift — Day 06 — Diving deeper

Guilherme Akio Sakae
2 min readMar 7, 2015

Missed the last day, check here:

Diving deeper

Now we're doing some more "advanced" stuff, working with master-detail views, navigation controllers, creating new outlets and actions, things didn't change much in this department, all the shortcuts and concepts are the same, swift makes the syntax very intuitive but the development workflow was great before, so when the team is winning…

It's always good to return to the concepts and updated them, today was a breeze for me, was like a typical light working day. Feels very good start working with apps again, we still need to improve my Swift skills but working inside xCode seen what you're doing and seen the app working was really refreshing.

Day highlights

  • New functions invocation: I didn’t realized that until now but now the functions with the new initializers and convenience initializers are just… let me show you:

UIImage(named: string) vs [UIImage imageNamed:@”image Name”].

Which one do you think it's better?

  • iOS development basics all over again: I already said this before but although the course feels a little slow when you already know the contents it’s always good to update your knowledge.

Day Conclusion

Ok, maybe now the course isn’t adding much to my knowledge but I still learning Swift, this is my main goal here and it’s working. Now I can start a basic project in Swift and finish without problems.

Other thing that I didn’t realized until now was our progression in the track, look at the image we’re almost finishing the full track and I still have two days in my schedule, so I thought the course was a lot of work but we’re managing pretty well.

Track progression

I’m still having problems with my internet, today I did the course in my windows machine because my wi-fi weren’t working and my macbook doesn’t have a Ethernet port. Was challenging, at some point I had to download the project assets in a pen drive and then transfer to my notebook.

That’s it for today folks, hope you’re enjoying and thanks!

