30 days with swift — Day 08 — Finishing the Dojo

Guilherme Akio Sakae
2 min readMar 10, 2015

Missed the last day, check here:

Finishing our preparations

So it's time, now we learn everything that the iOS with Swift course has to offer and we're able to build all kinds of apps, I'm really happy we did the entire track in 8 days and we have 22 days left to build a app.

The workload was insane because a still have other things to do in my regular day, but I managed well, just before the last day I had to take a break because of a headache and was great because I was doing the course everyday non stop until yesterday and I know the importance of resting properly.

Day highlights

  • Swift Closures: Swift has added simpler syntax to implement closures in code.
  • Blocks are way easier now: In objective-c it’s a nightmare to understand blocks (closures) syntax, now it’s way easier.
  • Auto-Layout: Auto-layout is a very good friend when you have to support the increasing number of screens sizes and resolutions.

Day Conclusion

So, today was like the last day in school I finished what I have to do and now I am on my on I have to choose what I want to build which technologies I want to use and so on.

I still don’t know what app I’m going to build, tomorrow is the decision day I’m going to use the time I saved for the challenge to plan my course of action. I’m going to use Agile methodology to help define the scope of the project, the sprints and the user stories.

Part 1 of the challenge complete

This is the official ending of the part 1 of the challenge: Learn Swift basics. Now I have to take everything I learned this past week sum up with I already know about iOS development and do something useful by the end of the month.

Wish me luck, the hardest part is about to begin

Hope you guys are enjoying and thanks!

